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Last active December 24, 2021 23:15
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This gist explains why I was demoted on Novus Community.

Why I was demoted on Novus Community

Hey, in short, I'll be explaining why I was demoted on Novus Community and the full story behind it. It's pretty long and repetitive in parts, so be prepared.

Sorry this is a little late, I've just not been bothered to do it, as I thought it would have probably started drama, and we have enough of that as it is, but so many people want to know, so this is the easiest way to answer people's questions.

At the start

At the start of Novus, I was an Admin+ (now named Supervisor), and it was great, I was getting some great feedback from the community and everything seemed nice, and within a couple of months, I replaced Haden as a Manager, since he left. Now, this is when stuff was at it's best point, it was almost like the time of my life, everybody loved me, and I was getting along with the Management team really well. However, something changed.

One night, there was a vote for Regan to become Manager, and it went in his favour. I'll be honest, I had my doubts about his ability to manage a server, and on the first day, I'll openly say I was way too harsh on him, and I shouldn't of done that, and I'm sorry.


You might be wondering why he's even in this, but here's why. Over the last months or so, there's been a lot of drama between Novus and WindowsLogic, or Tim. Now, at this time, I didn't think much of it, and was way too used to drama as it is, however, one day, I received a DM from my good friend Estralia, you might know him as BlueLighty (he's also a Mod on Novus, and was a Moderator at this time), saying that we should attempt to start peace between WindowsLogic and Novus Community, or attempt to at least. With the next coming days, me and Estralia got in group chats with Tim, and his friend, and Moderator on his server, Orlando (or 9002), where we discussed trying to stop the constant drama between the 2 communities. Now, with a Management team, you're meant to work together, as a team, so I did the right thing and asked in Management chat if it was the right thing to do, and I got only 1 response from Regan, basically saying it seemed to only effect him. Now, you would think I would've waited for the other Manager(s) and CEOs to respond, but no, I did the stupid thing of not acknowledging any feedback I got from Regan, and got Tim to unban everything in Novus from his server. It seemed to go well at first, but people didn't seem to like the idea of it. Within around 30 minutes of the decision, I was added to a group call with ALL the Management team in: Devon, Sam, Harrison, and Regan. I was already regretting my decision. And surprise surprise, the rest of the Management team didn't like my choice either, and I got a bit of a telling off, it wasn't the best thing in the world to be honest, but I fully deserved it. Furthermore, the Management team ordered me to stop any actions that were going on, and to undo everything that had been fixed, it wasn't great. Now I mention this factor because this was used against me in Devon's statement I while back, which I'll get to later.

Netsky Community

You may know what Netsky Community is, or you may not, in short it's a small community owned by Espi (AeroFusion), and was pretty hated in Novus and other servers. Now, I didn't mind Netsky, and were decently active in it. Over time, I started receiving DMs from Sam (Red_Eye_Computing), stuff like this:

This started concern for me about my relationship with Sam, I like to get along with everyone, and very rarely ever want to have enemies, so to be, it was very important I had a decent relationship with Sam. With this factor in mind, I was scared just to put 1 message in Netsky, knowing that Sam would see it, so I started to be not as active in Netsky. In the next coming weeks, it was luckily revealed to be a joke, this gave me a huge sigh of relief, however, people still talked a lot of dirt about Netsky, constantly saying how unfunny and how badly it was managed, this didn't stop me being active there, but it did give me a bit of concern about how the rest of the Management team looked at it. I mention this, as yet again, this was used against me in Devon's statement, which if you haven't guessed, most of this statement links back to. However, I'll get to that later.


Oh boy, Regan, what an interesting individual. Me and Regan have a very aggressive and not very good history together, constantly arguing, and never really getting anywhere. As I mentioned earlier, he got accepted into the Management team quite a few months ago now. As for his reputation as a Manager, it's sure questionable at the least. People don't really like him, and he takes a lot of feedback given to him incredibly personally, and even strikes people at times for it. I could go on and on about my very strong opinion about Regan, but we'd be here all day.

Manager to Supervisor

For my Manager position, well, Regan clearly didn't like me being a Manager, constantly going on about how I should be demoted etc, he did this for a couple of months. Eventually, he managed to finally get his own way, and got me demoted, and his reasoning? Well, he didn't really have one. Oh, apart from the fact I can't pronounce a letter of the alphabet, that seems to be one of his favourites. Within the coming days, a bit more justification came forward, mainly from Devon (Da532), in short, saying that I always disagreed with the Management team, doesn't that mean just having a different opinion? I'm still not sure to be honest. He also mentioned that I """always push my agenda""", no idea what he means by that, I supposed he was mentioning that I get a lot of inspiration from the community maybe, I'm not really sure.

The response from the community wasn't the best, with people even saying they'd do petitions to get me back, which seems insane to think about now. With this demotion, I eventually moved on and adjusted to my new role.

Supervisor to Friendo

Well, this is what you've all been waiting for I guess, why I was fully demoted. Well, over the time period that I had been a Supervisor, Devon's (Da532) and Aria's ( accounts had been disabled, with most accusations going towards one person: Kelwing. Kelwing as a person is a very highly respected in a lot of communities, he even manages 2 huge ones himself (SSL Community and LGBTQ+ Lounge). Now, these accusations had almost zero evidence to them, and most people didn't believe them. However, it was then found out that someone by the name of Amethyst had reported, with Aria; it was a completely different story, which I won't get into right now, as it's a really petty story and is irrelevant to this.

In short, Devon (Da532) had apparently threatened Amethyst with personal information due to Amethyst """bullying""" his girlfriend Annie. He's probably going to hate me for saying that, but it's the truth, either way, Devon and Amethyst have made peace now, and the situation is resolved. Anyway, from there, the DMs were leaked in several communites, one of them being SSL Community, and then got to a Discord Staff member, now, this is when Kelwing got involved. In some way, shape, or form, these DMs linked back to Kelwing, therefore causing the Head of Trust and Safety himself ordering message IDs from him, and he obviously obliged, like anyone would, and then Devon got banned 30 minutes later. So, Kelwing never actually reported anyone; he was just told to get message IDs, and even Devon or Sam would oblige to what the Head of Trust and Safety told them to do.

No one believed him, and people constantly accused Kelwing of being the person who reported him, when from the statement above, he clearly didn't. So, with the stupid amount of confidence I have, I stood up to Devon and all the other people who were accusing Kelwing of these actions and tried my hardest to stop these accusations coming forward, but to no avail. Within a couple of hours, there was a Management vote to get me demoted, and it went in their favour, causing me to lose my Staff role entirely. For the reasoning, Sam said that because of me being friends and being in a lot of """enemy""" servers, that I therefore """I have no pride for Novus""".

Again, the community didn't respond very well to this, and there was quite a lot of drama along with it, which isn't great, but we're used to it by now. Regan and I had a discussion about it in voice chat too, which mainly was a bunch of shouting and screaming at each other, or Regan for that matter.

Devon's Statement

I do want to reference Devon's statement, as it had a big part into why I was demoted I feel. If you want to read his statement before reading mine, feel free to here. In Devon's statement he mentions Individuals, this is where I come in. In his statement about me, he mentions """Netsky's antics""". Now, I feel as if this is pretty unfair, he's basically saying I can't be in a community he doesn't like, or I lose my Staff role. The next thing he mentions is me """talking to WLP""". Now, as I've mentioned earlier in this statement, I was only talking to WindowsLogic due to me (and Estralia) wanting to start peace between Novus and WLP, I wasn't looking for a direct, full-on friendship with Tim himself, I think Devon misunderstood what I was trying to do. The next one's a bit weird, he says I didn't think """Thunder was that bad""". Ummm.. where did you pull that one from Devon? I despise of Thunder and always will; he's done terrible, simply unforgivable things to Devon, I really don't know where he got that from. Now, me being uptight, I can understand, and I felt as if after he posted this statement, I slowly improved at being a bit more relaxed as a Manager, and wasn't so, let's put it, frustrating to work with, then he mentions how I need to ask people before I do things, which I already admitted to being the wrong choice and I'm sorry for that.

Novus Community

For my opinion about Novus as a whole, I love it. It's sure had it's bad points, but we always come back from it, and come back to the amazing, lively community that Novus is. Also, my activity or enthusiasm towards the community will not change one bit, and I will still love, and try my hardest to be as helpful as a person as I can possibly be, as if nothing happened.


In conclusion, I really don't mind one bit being demoted, and I'll seem like the exact same person, just with a different coloured role. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this ridiculously long statement, and hope this answers many questions you have.

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samonyt commented Feb 25, 2018

least i'm not the only one

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ewanxdd commented Mar 3, 2018

lol idk what ive just read but im not getting those 10 minutes of my life back

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