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Created August 9, 2023 14:09
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Collection of 6-axis diffractometer rotation functions
Python module: Diffractometer Rotations
Set of functions to define diffractometer rotations.
Based on definitions set by:
Busing & Levy Acta Cryst. 22, 457 (1967)
H. You, J. Appl. Cryst. 32 (1999), 614-623
By Dan Porter
Beamline I16, Diamond Light Source Ltd
August 2023
import numpy as np
def bmatrix(a, b=None, c=None, alpha=90., beta=90., gamma=90.):
Calculate the B matrix as defined in Busing&Levy Acta Cyst. 22, 457 (1967)
Creates a matrix to transform (hkl) into a cartesian basis:
(qx,qy,qz)' = B.(h,k,l)' (where ' indicates a column vector)
The B matrix is related to the reciprocal basis vectors:
(astar, bstar, cstar) = 2 * np.pi * B.T
Where cstar is defined along the z axis
:param a: lattice parameter a in Anstroms
:param b: lattice parameter b in Anstroms
:param c: lattice parameter c in Anstroms
:param alpha: lattice angle alpha in degrees
:param beta: lattice angle beta in degrees
:param gamma: lattice angle gamma in degrees
:returns: [3x3] array B matrix in inverse-Angstroms (no 2pi)
if b is None:
b = a
if c is None:
c = a
alpha1 = np.deg2rad(alpha)
alpha2 = np.deg2rad(beta)
alpha3 = np.deg2rad(gamma)
beta1 = np.arccos( (np.cos(alpha2)*np.cos(alpha3)-np.cos(alpha1))/(np.sin(alpha2)*np.sin(alpha3)))
beta2 = np.arccos( (np.cos(alpha1)*np.cos(alpha3)-np.cos(alpha2))/(np.sin(alpha1)*np.sin(alpha3)))
beta3 = np.arccos( (np.cos(alpha1)*np.cos(alpha2)-np.cos(alpha3))/(np.sin(alpha1)*np.sin(alpha2)))
b1 = 1 / (a * np.sin(alpha2) * np.sin(beta3))
b2 = 1 / (b * np.sin(alpha3) * np.sin(beta1))
b3 = 1 / (c * np.sin(alpha1) * np.sin(beta2))
c1 = b1 * b2 * np.cos(beta3)
c2 = b1 * b3 * np.cos(beta2)
c3 = b2 * b3 * np.cos(beta1)
bm = np.array([
[b1, b2 * np.cos(beta3), b3 * np.cos(beta2)],
[0, b2 * np.sin(beta3), -b3 * np.sin(beta2)*np.cos(alpha1)],
[0, 0, 1/c]
return bm
def rotmatrix_z(phi):
Generate diffractometer rotation matrix about z-axis (right handed)
Equivalent to YAW in the Tain-Bryan convention
Equivalent to -phi, -eta, -delta in You et al. diffractometer convention (left handed)
:param phi: float angle in degrees
:return: [3*3] array
phi = np.deg2rad(phi)
c = np.cos(phi)
s = np.sin(phi)
return np.array([[c, -s, 0], [s, c, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
def rotmatrix_y(chi):
Generate diffractometer rotation matrix chi about y-axis (right handed)
Equivalent to PITCH in the Tain-Bryan convention
Equivalent to chi in You et al. diffractometer convention (right handed)
:param chi: float angle in degrees
:return: [3*3] array
chi = np.deg2rad(chi)
c = np.cos(chi)
s = np.sin(chi)
return np.array([[c, 0, s], [0, 1, 0], [-s, 0, c]])
def rotmatrix_x(mu):
Generate diffractometer rotation matrix mu about x-axis (right handed)
Equivalent to ROLL in the Tain-Bryan convention
Equivalent to mu in You et al. diffractometer convention (right handed)
:param mu: float angle in degrees
:return: [3*3] array
mu = np.deg2rad(mu)
c = np.cos(mu)
s = np.sin(mu)
return np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, c, -s], [0, s, c]])
def rotmatrix_intrinsic(alpha, beta, gamma):
a rotation whose yaw, pitch, and roll angles are α, β and γ, respectively.
More formally, it is an intrinsic rotation whose Tait–Bryan angles are α, β, γ, about axes z, y, x, respectively.
:param alpha: float yaw angle in degrees
:param beta: float pitch angle in degrees
:param gamma: float gamma angle in degrees
:return: [3*3] array
alpha = np.deg2rad(alpha)
beta = np.deg2rad(beta)
gamma = np.deg2rad(gamma)
ca = np.cos(alpha)
sa = np.sin(alpha)
cb = np.cos(beta)
sb = np.sin(beta)
cg = np.cos(gamma)
sg = np.sin(gamma)
return np.array([[ca*cb, ca*sb*sg - sa*cg, ca*sb*cg + sa*sg], [sa*cb, sa*sb*sg + ca*cg, sa*sb*cg-ca*sg], [-sb, cb*sg, cb*cg]])
def rotmatrix_diffractometer(phi, chi, eta, mu):
an intrinsic rotation using You et al. 4S+2D diffractometer
:param phi: float left-handed rotation about z''' angle in degrees
:param chi: float right-handed rotation about y'' angle in degrees
:param eta: float left-handed rotation about z' angle in degrees
:param mu: float right-handed rotation about x angle in degrees
:return: [3*3] array
phi = np.deg2rad(phi)
chi = np.deg2rad(chi)
eta = np.deg2rad(eta)
mu = np.deg2rad(mu)
cp = np.cos(phi)
sp = np.sin(phi)
cc = np.cos(chi)
sc = np.sin(chi)
ce = np.cos(eta)
se = np.sin(eta)
cm = np.cos(mu)
sm = np.sin(mu)
return np.array([[ce*cp*cc-se*sp, ce*sp*cc+se*cp, ce*sc], [sm*cp*sc+cm*(-se*cp*cc-ce*sp), sm*sp*sc+cm*(ce*cp-se*sp*cc), -se*cm*sc-sm*cc], [sm*(-se*cp*cc-ce*sp)-cm*cp*sc, sm*(ce*cp-se*sp*cc)-cm*sp*sc, cm*cc-se*sm*sc]])
def diffractometer(vec, phi, chi, eta, mu):
Perform an intrinsic rotation using You et al. 4S+2D diffractometer
mu right-handed rotation about x
eta left-handed rotation about z'
chi right-handed rotation about y''
phi left-handed rotation about z'''
Angles in degrees
vec must be 1D or column vector (3*n)
:param vec: [3*n] vector in the sample frame
:param phi: float angle in degrees, left handed roation about z'''
:param chi: float angle in degrees, right handed rotation about y''
:param eta: float angle in degrees, left handed rotation about z'
:param mu: float angle in degrees, right handed rotation about x
:return: [3*n] vector in the diffractometer frame
r =,,, rotmatrix_z(-phi))))
return, vec)
def detector_wavevector(delta, gamma, wavelength):
Calculate wavevector in diffractometer axis using detector angles
:param delta: float angle in degrees in vertical direction (about diff-z)
:param gamma: float angle in degrees in horizontal direction (about diff-x)
:param wavelength: float wavelength in A
:return: [1*3] wavevector position in A-1 == kf - ki
k = 2 * np.pi / wavelength
delta = np.deg2rad(delta)
gamma = np.deg2rad(gamma)
sd = np.sin(delta)
cd = np.cos(delta)
sg = np.sin(gamma)
cg = np.cos(gamma)
return k * np.array([sd, cd * cg - 1, cd * sg])
def diffractometer2hkl(ub, phi=0, chi=0, eta=0, mu=0, delta=0, gamma=0, wavelength=1.0):
Return [h,k,l] position of diffractometer axes with given UB and wavelength
:param ub: [3*3] array UB orientation matrix following Busing & Levy
:param phi: float sample angle in degrees
:param chi: float sample angle in degrees
:param eta: float sample angle in degrees
:param mu: float sample angle in degrees
:param delta: float detector angle in degrees
:param gamma: float detector angle in degrees
:param wavelength: float wavelength in A
:return: [h,k,l]
q = detector_wavevector(delta, gamma, wavelength) # You Ql (12)
z =,,, rotmatrix_z(-phi)))) # You Z (13)
inv_ub = np.linalg.inv(ub)
inv_z = np.linalg.inv(z)
hphi =, q)
return, hphi).T
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test functions
b = 2 * np.pi * bmatrix(a=2.85, c=10.8, gamma=120.)
u = np.eye(3)
ub =, b)
wavelength = 12.3984 / 8 # energy in keV, wavelength in Angstroms
# calcualte expected two-theta
d_space = 10.8 / 6 # (0,0,6)
tth = 2 * np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(wavelength / (2 * d_space))) # deg
# (006) vertical geometry
v_hkl = diffractometer2hkl(
eta=tth / 2,
# Horizontal geometry
h_hkl = diffractometer2hkl(
np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True, linewidth=200)
print('Wavelength: %.3f A' % wavelength)
print('Two-Theta: %.3f Deg' % tth)
print(' Vertical geometry hkl: %s' % v_hkl)
print('Horizontal geometry hkl: %s' % h_hkl)
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