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Created October 29, 2021 19:07
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Projected Textures: An example using the new SketchUp v2021.1 functionality
# Copy face materials (front and back) from a source face to a target face.
# For v2021.1 and higher, any texture positioning and projection is copied.
# @param face1 [Sketchup::Face] the source face.
# @param face2 [Sketchup::Face] the target face.
# @return [Boolean] whether texture positioning was enabled during copy.
def copy_face_materials(face1, face2)
# Test if the API is at or higher than 2021.1:
positioning_enabled = face1.respond_to?(:texture_projected?)
frontside = true
backside = false
reference = face1.vertices.first.position
for side in [frontside, backside]
meth =( side ? :material : :back_material )
matl = face1.send(meth)
# Copy this side's material (might set to nil):
face2.send("#{meth.to_s}=", matl)
next unless positioning_enabled
# If this side's material has a texture and is positioned:
if matl.texture && face1.texture_positioned?(side)
mapping = face.uv_tile_at(reference, side)
if face1.texture_projected?(side)
matl, mapping, side,
face2.position_material(matl, mapping, side)
end # for side
return positioning_enabled
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