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Last active June 6, 2024 13:55
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  • Save DanWBR/c355fd5420d20d960f5d084a7142cde8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Create, run and save a new DWSIM simulation in Python
import pythoncom
import clr
from System.IO import Directory, Path, File
from System import String, Environment
dwsimpath = "C:\\Users\\Daniel\\AppData\\Local\\DWSIM8\\"
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "CapeOpen.dll")
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "DWSIM.Automation.dll")
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "DWSIM.Interfaces.dll")
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "DWSIM.GlobalSettings.dll")
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "DWSIM.SharedClasses.dll")
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "DWSIM.Thermodynamics.dll")
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ThermoC.dll")
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "DWSIM.UnitOperations.dll")
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "DWSIM.Inspector.dll")
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "System.Buffers.dll")
from DWSIM.Interfaces.Enums.GraphicObjects import ObjectType
from DWSIM.Thermodynamics import Streams, PropertyPackages
from DWSIM.UnitOperations import UnitOperations
from DWSIM.Automation import Automation3
from DWSIM.GlobalSettings import Settings
# create automation manager
interf = Automation3()
sim = interf.CreateFlowsheet()
# add water
water = sim.AvailableCompounds["Water"]
sim.SelectedCompounds.Add(water.Name, water)
# create and connect objects
m1 = sim.AddObject(ObjectType.MaterialStream, 50, 50, "inlet")
m2 = sim.AddObject(ObjectType.MaterialStream, 150, 50, "outlet")
e1 = sim.AddObject(ObjectType.EnergyStream, 100, 50, "power")
h1 = sim.AddObject(ObjectType.Heater, 100, 50, "heater")
m1 = m1.GetAsObject()
m2 = m2.GetAsObject()
e1 = e1.GetAsObject()
h1 = h1.GetAsObject()
sim.ConnectObjects(m1.GraphicObject, h1.GraphicObject, -1, -1)
sim.ConnectObjects(h1.GraphicObject, m2.GraphicObject, -1, -1)
sim.ConnectObjects(e1.GraphicObject, h1.GraphicObject, -1, -1)
# steam tables property package
stables = PropertyPackages.SteamTablesPropertyPackage()
# set inlet stream temperature
# default properties: T = 298.15 K, P = 101325 Pa, Mass Flow = 1 kg/s
m1.SetTemperature(300.0) # K
m1.SetMassFlow(100.0) # kg/s
# set heater outlet temperature
h1.CalcMode = UnitOperations.Heater.CalculationMode.OutletTemperature
h1.OutletTemperature = 400 # K
# request a calculation
Settings.SolverMode = 0
errors = interf.CalculateFlowsheet2(sim)
print(String.Format("Heater Heat Load: {0} kW", h1.DeltaQ))
# save file
fileNameToSave = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "heatersample.dwxmz")
interf.SaveFlowsheet(sim, fileNameToSave, True)
# save the pfd to an image and display it
clr.AddReference(dwsimpath + "SkiaSharp.dll")
from SkiaSharp import SKBitmap, SKImage, SKCanvas, SKEncodedImageFormat
from System.IO import MemoryStream
from System.Drawing import Image
from System.Drawing.Imaging import ImageFormat
PFDSurface = sim.GetSurface()
bmp = SKBitmap(1024, 768)
canvas = SKCanvas(bmp)
d = SKImage.FromBitmap(bmp).Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100)
str = MemoryStream()
image = Image.FromStream(str)
imgPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "pfd.png")
image.Save(imgPath, ImageFormat.Png)
from PIL import Image
im =
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kookma commented Apr 1, 2023

But yes, because I am trying to figure out how to work with the Script Manager and would like to run this reaction via the Script Manager as a test, since I know the results. Still have a few problems to handle Script Manager...

I think these questions can be asked in forum. There are several Q&A on Script Manager in forum answered by @DanWBR also you can find shared solution.

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Thank you for providing this code. I have a problem with mono compatibility (or maybe pythonnet compatibility) with my M2 macbook. So, I didn't succeed in running the code. when I use (import clr) i a get a long error including (OSError: cannot load library '/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.12.0/lib/libmonosgen-2.0.dylib':). i tried to fix the problem with (command export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.12.0/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
) switching to mono 6.8 and installing different versions of pythonnet. but, the problem is still there. Is there any solution to fix or bypass this problem?

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On tiny10 Win x64 I have python 10 through miniconda
Environment variables [System Path]:
C:\Users\ukhan\miniconda3\Scripts\;C:\Users\ukhan\miniconda3\Library\bin\;C:\Users\ukhan\miniconda3\; then u need conda install pythonnet pywin32 -y Everything works

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