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Created October 28, 2019 12:17
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// Assuming trigger is:
trigger Update_Current_job_Title_onContact on Career_Path__c (After insert, After update) {
if((trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate) && trigger.isAfter)
// Assuming class is:
public class Update_Current_Job_Title {
public static void WhenInsertNewCareerPathOrUpdate(List<Career_Path__c> careerPathListNew)
List<Career_Path__c> careerPathList = new List<Career_Path__c>();
List<contact> contactList = new List<contact>();
List<contact> contactListUpdated = new List<contact>();
set<id> IdList = new set<Id>();
careerPathList = [select id, contact__c , Job_title_2__c,Current__c
from Career_Path__c
where id in:careerPathListNew
and Job_title_2__c !=null];
for(Career_Path__c cp :careerPathList )
contactList = [select id, Current_Job_Title__c from contact where id in : IdList];
for(Career_Path__c cpp :careerPathList )
for(contact cc :contactList )
if(cpp.Contact__c == && cpp.Current__c==true)
cc.Current_Job_Title__c = cpp.Job_Title_2__c;
update contactListUpdated;
} catch(Exception e)
system.debug('Error is -> '+ e.getMessage() + 'at Line -> '+ e.getLineNumber());
// Then a test class that 'covers' 75% of the lines of your code is required.
// By 'covers', we mean 'uses'. That's all that's technically required. Some test code that makes use of your code.
// So, what does that look like? Well, the simplest version for us here is creating and updating a Career_Path__c record.
// We know that our trigger fires every time we insert and update a record, so we can start there:
private class Update_Current_Job_Title_Test {
static testMethod void testInsertAndUpdate() {
// Given
Contact__c contact = new Contact__c(
Current_Job_Title__c = 'oldTitle'
insert contact;
Career_Path__c careerPath = new Career_Path__c (
Contact__c = contact.Id,
Job_Title_2__c = 'newTitle'
insert careerPath;
// When
careerPath.Current__c = true;
update careerPath;
// There's one major problem with this test class.
// Even if it works, and covers 75% of your code, it doesn't 'know' that it works.
// All it checks is that it didn't fail so badly that an Exception was thrown.
// So, we include a 'then' condition. Something that asserts our code did what we intended.
// Specifically, we need to check if the all the related Contact__c records have had their Job Title updated.
private class Update_Current_Job_Title_Test {
static testMethod void testInsertAndUpdate() {
// Given
Contact__c contact = new Contact__c(
Current_Job_Title__c = 'oldTitle'
insert contact;
Career_Path__c careerPath = new Career_Path__c (
Contact__c = contact.Id,
Job_Title_2__c = 'newTitle'
insert careerPath;
// When
careerPath.Current__c = true;
update careerPath;
// Then
contact = [SELECT Current_Job_Title__c FROM Contact__c WHERE Id :contact.Id LIMIT 1];
System.assertEquals('newTitle', contact.Current_Job_Title__c);
// If everything worked, then our test class has successfully:
// - created a linked Contact__c and Career_Path__c
// - set the Career Path's Job Title to 'oldTitle'
// - updated the Career Path to be Current, triggering your trigger
// - requeried for the update Contact
// - tested that the Contact's Job Title is now 'newTitle'
// There's some other points to make here, but I'll leave them out for now.
// Please comment/ message when you reach this point with the results of the test class.
// Feel free to tweak it as required, especially where the test records being created have required fields.
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