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Created May 10, 2024 17:52
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import json
import sys
from typing import List
from dataclasses import dataclass
from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, RecognizerResult
import argparse
from har_capture_reader import HarCaptureReader
analyzer: AnalyzerEngine = AnalyzerEngine()
# You can adjust the acceptable threshold here. Presidio using a weighting of 0 to 1.
# Typical "confidence" where the data is more likely to be sensitive is at around 0.75
# for most entities.
# See
SCORE_THRESHOLD: float = 0.75
class SensitiveDataResult:
""" Class for keeping track of potentially sensitive data """
entity_type: str
score: float
data: str
class SuspectResponse:
""" Class for keeping track of responses that have potentially sensitive data """
method: str
status_code: int
url: str
headers: dict
body: str
sensitive_data: List[SensitiveDataResult]
def check_for_sensitive_data(data: str, score_min: float ) -> List[SensitiveDataResult]:
""" Runs a response through Microsoft Presidio to see if it can detect any sensitive data """
sensitive_data: List[SensitiveDataResult] = []
results: List[RecognizerResult] = []
results = analyzer.analyze(
except Exception as e:
print( f"Exception while analyzing data with Presidio: {e}")
return sensitive_data
for r in results:
if r.score >= SCORE_THRESHOLD:
sensitive_data.append( SensitiveDataResult(r.entity_type, r.score, data[r.start:r.end]) )
except Exception as e:
print(f"{e} : {r}")
return sensitive_data
def pretty_print(resp: SuspectResponse, show_details: bool = False ) -> None:
"""Prints details of responses containing sensitive data"""
print( f"\033[32m{resp.url}")
for item in resp.sensitive_data:
print( f"\033[0m{item.entity_type} (Score={item.score}) : \033[31m{}" )
if show_details:
print( "\n\033[36m========\nRESPONSE\n========")
print( f"Method: {resp.method}")
print( f"Status Code: {resp.status_code}\n")
for key,val in resp.headers.items():
print( f"{key}: {str(val)}" )
print( f"\n{resp.body}")
def main() -> None:
"""Main function to process HTTP archive capture files for sensitive data"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Search through HTTP archive for sensitive data")
parser.add_argument("filename", help="The path to the HAR file to process")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--details', action='store_true', help='Shows full detailed response')
args = parser.parse_args()
capture_reader = HarCaptureReader(args.filename)
suspect_responses: List[SuspectResponse] = []
for req in capture_reader.captured_requests():
content_type = req.get_response_content_type()
# Need to account for mixed JSON objects (ie:protobuf)
if content_type.lower().startswith("application/json"):
sensitive_data: List[SensitiveDataResult] = check_for_sensitive_data(req.get_response_body(), SCORE_THRESHOLD)
if sensitive_data:
req.get_method(), req.get_response_status_code(), req.get_url(),
req.get_response_headers(), req.get_response_body(),
if suspect_responses:
for resp in suspect_responses:
pretty_print(resp, args.details)
except Exception as e:
print(f"General Exception: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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