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Last active February 24, 2020 22:35
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# For my untitled roguelike, I want to procedurally generate the
# map of the surface. After reading/skimming many articles and blog
# posts, I hit on the diamond-square algorithm. Some of the examples
# I'd seen produced nice enough maps, and I was able to understand
# how it worked better than, say, Perlin Noise. My roguelike is going
# to be done in Rust, but I find Python way easier to prototype in.
# So, here's my attempt to implement the diamond-square algorithm
# (
import math
from enum import Enum
from random import random
from random import uniform
from PIL import Image
class Terrain(Enum):
DIRT = 3
def to_terrain(val):
if val < -0.50:
return Terrain.WATER
elif val < -0.25:
return Terrain.SHALLOW_WATER
elif val < -0.0:
return Terrain.BEACH
elif val < 0.25:
return Terrain.DIRT
elif val < 0.85:
return Terrain.FOREST
elif val < 1.5:
return Terrain.MOUNTAIN
return Terrain.SNOWPEAK
def to_terrain_alt(val):
if val > 160:
return Terrain.MOUNTAIN
elif val > 120:
return Terrain.FOREST
elif val > 100:
return Terrain.DIRT
elif val > 90:
return Terrain.BEACH
return Terrain.WATER
def terrain_to_rgb(val):
if val == Terrain.WATER:
return (0, 0, 221)
elif val == Terrain.DIRT:
return (153, 0, 0)
elif val == Terrain.BEACH:
return (255, 178, 127)
elif val == Terrain.FOREST:
#return (34, 139, 34)
return (0, 80, 0)
elif val == Terrain.MOUNTAIN:
return (112, 128, 144)
elif val == Terrain.SNOWPEAK:
return (255, 255, 255)
elif val == Terrain.SHALLOW_WATER:
return (173, 216, 230)
def to_png(grid, size):
img ='RGB', (size * 2, size * 2))
pixels = []
for row in grid:
for val in row:
terrain = to_terrain(val)
for val in row:
terrain = to_terrain(val)
def dump_grid(grid):
for row in grid:
s = ""
for col in row:
s += f'{col:.2f} '
# All amount of fuzziness to add to the averages we
# calculate
def fuzz():
return uniform(-0.75, 0.75)
#return (random() - 0.5) / 1
def fuzz2(size):
return (uniform(0.0, 1.0) * 2 - 1) * size * (1 / size)
# perform the diamond step described in the wiki article. Average
# the four corners of the square defined by (r, c) as the upper left
# corner of the square, and size as the length of the sides of the square
# (I agree with a blogger I read who said the names of the diamond step
# and square steps seem reversed to me...
def diamond_step(grid, r, c, size):
avg = grid[r][c]
avg += grid[r][c + size - 1]
avg += grid[r + size - 1][c]
avg += grid[r + size - 1][c + size - 1]
avg /= 4
grid[r + size // 2][c + size // 2] = avg + fuzz2(size)
# calculate the average of the 4 corners of the diamond
# with (r, c) as the centre. Note that it's possible for
# one of those points to be outside the grid. We'll ignore those
# points.
def calc_diamond_avg(grid, r, c, size):
count = 0
avg = 0.0
if c - size >= 0:
avg += grid[r][c - size]
count += 1
if c + size < len(grid):
avg += grid[r][c + size]
count += 1
if r - size >= 0:
avg += grid[r - size][c]
count += 1
if r + size < len(grid):
avg += grid[r + size][c]
count += 1
grid[r][c] = avg / count + fuzz2(size)
# in square_step(), we set the four points on the grid that are
# midway between the center of the diamond (r, c) and its four
# corners (the diagram of the square step in the wiki article is
# handy to see that this actually means. Note that in many cases,
# one of the corners of the diamond will be outside the matrix.
# The two solutions I've seen are to just average 3 points in those
# instances, or treat the matrix as though it wraps around. I'm going
# to start off just taking 3 poins and see how my maps turn out.
# of which (r, c) is the centre. Those
def square_step(grid, r, c, size):
half_size = size // 2
# the four points we want to set are grid[r - half_size[c],
# grid[r][c - half_size], grid[r][c + half_size] and
# grid[r + half_size][c]
calc_diamond_avg(grid, r - half_size, c, half_size)
calc_diamond_avg(grid, r + half_size, c, half_size)
calc_diamond_avg(grid, r, c - half_size, half_size)
calc_diamond_avg(grid, r, c + half_size, half_size)
# Average each point with its neighbours to smooth things out
def smooth_map(grid, size):
for r in range(0, size):
for c in range(0, size):
avg = grid[r][c]
count = 1
if r - 1 >= 0:
if c - 1 >= 0:
avg += grid[r - 1][c - 1]
count += 1
avg += grid[r - 1][c]
count += 1
if c + 1 < size:
avg += grid[r - 1][c + 1]
count += 1
if c - 1 >= 0:
avg += grid[r][c - 1]
count += 1
if c + 1 < size:
avg == grid[r][c + 1]
count += 1
if r + 1 < size:
if c - 1 >= 0:
avg += grid[r + 1][c - 1]
count += 1
avg += grid[r + 1][c]
count += 1
if c + 1 < size:
avg += grid[r + 1][c + 1]
count += 1
grid[r][c] = avg / count
def diamond_sq(grid, r, c, size, depth):
diamond_step(grid, r, c, size)
half_size = size // 2
square_step(grid, r + half_size, c + half_size, size)
if half_size == 1:
new_size = size // 2
diamond_sq(grid, r, c, new_size + 1, depth + 1)
diamond_sq(grid, r, c + new_size, new_size + 1, depth + 1)
diamond_sq(grid, r + new_size, c, new_size + 1, depth + 1)
diamond_sq(grid, r + new_size, c + new_size, new_size + 1, depth + 1)
def to_island(grid, size, shift_y):
for r in range(size):
for c in range(size):
xd = c / (size - 1.0) * 2 - 1.0
yd = r / (size - shift_y) * 2 - 1.0
island_size = 1.15
grid[r][c] = grid[r][c] + island_size - math.sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd) * 3.0
SIZE = 65 # This alg. requires a square matrix whose side length is 2^n + 1
grid = []
for _ in range(0, SIZE):
row = [0.0] * SIZE
# seed the four corners of the matrix
#grid[0][0] = -0.15 #random()
#grid[0][SIZE - 1] = abs(random()) + 0.5
#grid[SIZE - 1][0] = abs(random()) + 0.5
#grid[SIZE - 1][SIZE - 1] = abs(random()) + 1.25
# This, without the to_island() call is making maps I think would be
# good for Rogue Village
grid[0][0] = -2.0 #fuzz()
grid[0][SIZE - 1] = 1.0 #fuzz() # abs(random()) + 0.5
grid[SIZE - 1][0] = 1.5 # fuzz() # abs(random()) + 0.5
grid[SIZE - 1][SIZE - 1] = 2.0 # fuzz() # abs(random()) + 1.25
diamond_sq(grid, 0, 0, SIZE, 1)
smooth_map(grid, SIZE)
smooth_map(grid, SIZE)
to_island(grid, SIZE, -0.0)
#for r in range(0, SIZE):
# for c in range(0, SIZE):
# grid[r][c] = grid[r][c] * 60 + 120
except IndexError:
print("boo :(")
to_png(grid, SIZE)
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