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Created August 20, 2016 20:04
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public struct ThreadedFileResponder: Responder {
let path: String
let headers : Headers
public init(path: String, headers: Headers = [:]) {
self.path = path
self.headers = headers
public func respond(to request: Request) throws -> Response {
if request.method != .get {
return Response(status: .methodNotAllowed)
guard let requestPath = request.path else {
return Response(status: .internalServerError)
var path = requestPath
if path.ends(with: "/") {
path += "index.html"
do {
let file = try PosixFile(path: self.path + path)
let stream = ThreadedFileStream(file: file)
var response = Response(body: stream)
if let
fileExtension = file.fileExtension,
mediaType = mediaType(forFileExtension: fileExtension) {
response.contentType = mediaType
return response
} catch {
return Response(status: .notFound)
final class Box<T> {
let value: T
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
final class Context {
var done = false
let routine: () -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>?
init<T>(routine: () -> T) {
self.routine = {
let result = routine()
let box = Box(result)
return UnsafeMutablePointer(OpaquePointer(bitPattern: Unmanaged.passRetained(box)))
public final class Thread<T> {
let pthread: pthread_t
let context: Context
var done: Bool { return context.done }
public init(routine: () -> (T)) {
let context = Context(routine: routine)
let pthreadPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<pthread_t?>(allocatingCapacity: 1)
defer { pthreadPointer.deallocateCapacity(1) }
let result = pthread_create(
nil, // default attributes
{ context in
let unmanaged = Unmanaged<Context>.fromOpaque(OpaquePointer(context!))
defer { unmanaged.release() }
let context = unmanaged.takeUnretainedValue()
let result = context.routine()
context.done = true
return result
UnsafeMutablePointer(OpaquePointer(bitPattern: Unmanaged.passRetained(context)))
guard result == 0 else {
fatalError("failed with error number \(result)")
self.pthread = pthreadPointer.pointee!
self.context = context
public func join() -> T {
var result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>?
pthread_join(pthread, &result)
guard result != nil else {
fatalError("join did not return a result")
let unmanaged = Unmanaged<Box<T>>.fromOpaque(OpaquePointer(result!))
defer { unmanaged.release() }
let box = unmanaged.takeUnretainedValue()
return box.value
func exit(with result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>? = nil) {
deinit {
public enum FileError: ErrorProtocol {
case failedToSendCompletely(remaining: Data)
case failedToReceiveCompletely(received: Data)
public final class PosixFile: Stream {
let file: UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE>
let path: String
public var closed = false
/// assumes read
public init(path: String) throws {
self.path = path
guard let file = fopen(path, "r") else {
throw SystemError.lastOperationError!
self.file = file
lazy var fileExtension: String? = {
guard let fileExtension = self.path.split(separator: ".").last else {
return nil
if fileExtension.split(separator: "/").count > 1 {
return nil
return fileExtension
public func send(_ data: Data, timingOut deadline: Double) throws {
fatalError("send not implemented")
public func flush(timingOut deadline: Double) throws {
fatalError("flush not implemented")
public func receive(upTo byteCount: Int, timingOut deadline: Double = .never) throws -> Data {
guard !closed else { throw StreamError.closedStream(data: []) }
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Byte>(allocatingCapacity: byteCount)
defer { buffer.deallocateCapacity(byteCount) }
let received = fread(buffer, sizeof(Byte.self), byteCount, file)
guard ferror(file) == 0 else {
throw FileError.failedToReceiveCompletely(received: [])
let receivedData = Data(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: buffer, count: received))
return receivedData
public func close() throws {
guard !closed else {
guard fclose(file) == 0 else {
throw SystemError.lastOperationError!
final class ThreadedFileStream: Stream {
let file: PosixFile
init(file: PosixFile) {
self.file = file
var closed: Bool { return file.closed }
func close() throws {
try file.close()
func send(_ data: Data, timingOut deadline: Double) throws {
try file.send(data, timingOut: deadline)
func flush(timingOut deadline: Double) throws {
try file.flush(timingOut: deadline)
func receive(upTo byteCount: Int, timingOut deadline: Double) throws -> Data {
let thread = Thread<Data> {
let data = try! self.file.receive(upTo: byteCount)
return data
while !thread.done {
nap(for: 10.milliseconds)
return thread.join()
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