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Forked from elerch/
Created November 6, 2017 16:57
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Bootstraps all the things (curl, git, mr, vcsh and dotfiles will exist after running)
# To run this without copy/paste the whole thing:
# curl > && sh && rm
# mr is just a perl script
# vcsh is just a bash script
download() {
cmd='curl -L "'"${1}"'" -o "'"${2}"'"'
hash curl 2>/dev/null || \
{ hash wget 2>/dev/null && cmd='wget "'"${1}"'" -O "'"${2}"'"'; } || \
install_package curl
echo "Downloading with: ${cmd}"
eval "${cmd}"
chmod a+x "${2}"
runroot() {
# if we don't have EUID variable and id doesn't exist, then we're going
# to assume we're root
euid=${EUID:-$(id -u 2>/dev/null || echo 0)}
if [ "${euid}" = "0" ]; then
eval "${*}"
hash sudo 2>/dev/null || \
echo "you are not root and sudo is not installed. Please re-run as root"
eval "sudo ${*}"
install_package() {
# This assumes the package name is the same on all package managers (big assumption)
# and that sudo is on the system and user has sudo rights
# yum - RPM-based distros (e.g. Red Hat, Amazon Linux, Centos)
# apk - Alpine linux
# pacman - Arch linux
# apt-get - Debian and derivatives, notably ubuntu and raspbian
# brew - commonly installed on OSX
hash "${pkgname}" 2> /dev/null || \
{ hash yum 2>/dev/null && runroot yum install "${pkgname}"; } || \
{ hash apk 2> /dev/null && runroot apk update && runroot apk add "${pkgname}"; } || \
{ hash pacman 2> /dev/null && runroot pacman -S "${pkgname}"; } || \
{ hash apt-get 2> /dev/null && runroot apt-get update && runroot apt-get install "${pkgname}"; } || \
{ hash brew 2> /dev/null && brew install "${pkgname}"; }
hash "${pkgname}" 2> /dev/null || \
{ echo "Could not install $pkgname on this system. Please fix and try again"; exit 1; }
unset pkgname
if hash apk 2> /dev/null; then
echo 'Looks like you are on Alpine. If this is a fresh install, type y to install ssl & perl'
unset key && read -r key
[ ${key} = "y" ] && apk update && \
apk add ca-certificates && update-ca-certificates && apk add openssl && apk add perl
if hash pacman 2> /dev/null; then
echo 'Looks like you are on arch. If this is a fresh install, type y to update package dbs and install keyring'
unset key && read -r key
[ ${key} = "y" ] && pacman -Syy && pacman -S archlinux-keyring
# Temporary directory - OSX or Linux. See
#mytmpdir=${mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir'}
mkdir -p "${HOME}"/bin
hash mr 2> /dev/null || \
download "${myrepos}" "${HOME}"/bin/mr || \
{ echo "Could not download mr. Please fix and try again"; exit 1; }
hash perl 2> /dev/null || install_package perl
hash perl 2> /dev/null || \
{ echo "Could not find perl, which is required by mr. Please fix and try again"; exit 1; }
install_package git # vcsh is a git wrapper...
hash vcsh 2> /dev/null || download "${vcsh}" "${HOME}"/bin/vcsh || \
{ echo "Could not download vcsh. Please fix and try again"; exit 1; }
mkdir -p "${HOME}"/backup
# move all dotfiles into the backup directory
find "${HOME}" -maxdepth 1 -name '.*' -type f -exec mv {} "${HOME}"/backup \;
# now being done through mr/.commonrc
#download "" "${HOME}"/.dircolors
[ -f "${HOME}"/backup/.mrconfig ] && mv "${HOME}"/backup/.mrconfig "${HOME}"
vcsh list | grep -qF mr || vcsh clone mr
mr update || { echo "mr had some failures, double check output and enter to proceed"; read -r key; }
[ ! -z "$key" ] && unset key # make linter happy
[ "$(ls -A "${HOME}"/backup)" ] && mv -n "${HOME}"/backup/.* "${HOME}"
# If the directory was empty this will remove it, otherwise we'll show the message
# about backups
rmdir "${HOME}"/backup 2> /dev/null || \
echo "Dotfiles that were touched by mr were placed in ${HOME}/backup in case you need them"
mkdir -p "${HOME}"/.vim/autoload
# Vimrc will do this for us. See
#[ -f "${HOME}"/.vim/autoload/plug.vim ] || \
# download "${HOME}"/.vim/autoload/plug.vim || \
# { echo "Could not download vim-plug. Please fix and try again"; exit 1; }
#echo "complete. execute vim and :PlugInstall to get all vim goodness"
hash apk 2> /dev/null && [ -d "${HOME}"/.liquidprompt ] && apk add coreutils ncurses # 'who' is in there and needed
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