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Created June 7, 2019 15:10
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Material UI from Clojurescript
(ns example.login.views
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[example.login.subs :as subs]
[ :as events]
["@material-ui/core/Button" :default mui-button]
["@material-ui/core/Dialog" :default dialog]
["@material-ui/core/DialogTitle" :default dialog-title]
["@material-ui/core/DialogContent" :default dialog-content]
["@material-ui/core/DialogActions" :default dialog-actions]
["@material-ui/core/Grid" :default grid]
["@material-ui/core/Link" :default link]
["@material-ui/core/TextField" :default text-field]))
(defn button []
[:> mui-button {:color "inherit"
:onClick #(rf/dispatch [::events/show-dialog? true])}
(let [login-details @(rf/subscribe [::subs/login-form])
{:example.login.specs/keys [show-dialog?]} login-details
show-dialog? (true? show-dialog?)]
[:> dialog {:open show-dialog?
:aria-labelledby "form-dialog-title"}
[:> dialog-title {:id "form-dialog-title"} "Login"]
[:> dialog-content
[:> text-field {:autoFocus true
:variant "outlined"
:margin "normal"
:required true
:id "name"
:label "Username"
:fullWidth true}]
[:> text-field {:variant "outlined"
:margin "normal"
:required true
:id "name"
:type "password"
:label "Password"
:fullWidth true}]
[:> grid {:container true}
[:> grid {:item true
:xs true}
[:> link {:href "#"
:variant "body2"}
"Forgot password?"]]]]
[:> dialog-actions
[:> mui-button {:onClick #(rf/dispatch [::events/show-dialog? false])
:color "primary"}
[:> mui-button {:onClick #()
:color "primary"}
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