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Last active May 18, 2018 11:19
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Allow to use Omeka when server forbids to use ImageMagick via command line (See Simply replace application/libraries/Omeka/File/Derivative/Image/Creator.php with this file. Some work needs to be done in order to be able to select it via the admin UI.
* Omeka
* @copyright Copyright 2007-2012 Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
* @copyright Copyright 2013 Daniel Berthereau for Mines ParisTech
* @license GNU GPLv3
* Create derivative images for a file in Omeka via the php Imagick extension.
* @package Omeka\File\Derivative
class Omeka_File_Derivative_Image_Creator
* Determine whether or not the Php Imagick extension is installed.
* @todo To be renamed.
* @return boolean
public static function isValidImageMagickPath($dirToIm)
return class_exists('Imagick');
* Create all the derivatives requested with addDerivative().
* @param string $fromFilePath
* @param string $derivFilename
* @param string $mimeType
* @return boolean
public function create($fromFilePath, $derivFilename, $mimeType)
if (empty($derivFilename) || !is_string($derivFilename)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid derivative filename.");
if (!is_readable($fromFilePath)) {
throw new RuntimeException("File at '$fromFilePath' is not readable.");
if (!$this->_isDerivable($fromFilePath)) {
return false;
// If we have no derivative images to generate, signal nothing was done.
if (empty($this->_derivatives)) {
return false;
$workingDir = dirname($fromFilePath);
if (empty($workingDir) || !is_string($workingDir)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid derivative working path.");
if (!(is_dir($workingDir) && is_writable($workingDir))) {
throw new RuntimeException("Derivative working directory '$workingDir' is not writable.");
foreach ($this->_derivatives as $storageType => $cmdArgs) {
$newFilePath = rtrim($workingDir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )
. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $storageType . '_' . $derivFilename;
$this->_createImage($fromFilePath, $newFilePath, $cmdArgs);
return true;
* Add a derivative image to be created.
* @param string $storageType
* @param integer|string $size If an integer, it is the size constraint for
* the image, meaning it will have that maximum width or height, depending
* on whether the image is landscape or portrait. Otherwise, it is a string
* of comma separated process to be passed to ImageMagick. Each process
* should be a method name followed by its arguments, for example:
* flattenImages, cropImage 300 300 0 0
* @param boolean $square Whether the derivative to add should be made square.
public function addDerivative($storageType, $sizeOrProcess, $square = false)
if (!preg_match('/^\w+$/', $storageType)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid derivative type given: '$storageType' "
. "must be alphanumeric string.");
if (empty($sizeOrProcess)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid derivative storage size given.");
if (is_numeric($sizeOrProcess)) {
$this->_derivatives[$storageType] = $this->_getResizeCmdArgs($sizeOrProcess, $square);
} elseif (is_string($sizeOrProcess)) {
$this->_derivatives[$storageType] = $this->_getProcessArgs($sizeOrProcess);
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid derivative storage size given.");
* Generate a derivative image from an existing file stored in Omeka.
* This image will be generated based on a constraint given in pixels. For
* example, if the constraint is 500, the resulting image file will be scaled
* so that the largest side is 500px. If the image is less than 500px on both
* sides, the image will not be resized.
* Derivative images will only be generated for files with mime types
* that can be identified with ImageMagick's 'identify' command
* @throws Omeka_File_Derivative_Exception
* @param string $origPath Path to original file.
* @param string $newPath Path to newly generated derivative file.
* @param array $convertArgs List of methods and arguments to pass to
* ImageMagick.
private function _createImage($origPath, $newPath, $convertArgs)
try {
$image = new Imagick();
// Automatic use of first image of multi-pages images, because we
// convert to thumbnail.
foreach ($convertArgs as $method => $args) {
if (is_null($args)) {
elseif (!is_array($args)) {
else {
// ImageMagick don't have more than eight arguments.
switch (count($args)) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
$image->$method($args[0], $args[1]);
case 3:
$image->$method($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]);
case 4:
$image->$method($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3]);
case 5:
$image->$method($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4]);
case 6:
$image->$method($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5]);
case 7:
$image->$method($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6]);
case 8:
$image->$method($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6], $args[7]);
} catch (ImagickException $e) {
throw new Omeka_File_Derivative_Exception("ImageMagick failed.");
* Get the ImageMagick process for resizing to the given constraints.
* @param integer $constraint Maximum side length in pixels.
* @param boolean $square Whether the derivative should be squared off.
* @return array
private function _getResizeCmdArgs($constraint, $square)
$process = array();
if (!$square) {
$process['setImageBackgroundColor'] = new ImagickPixel('#ffffff');
$process['flattenImages'] = null;
// Tthumbnailing isn't used in order to get better quality images.
// Generally, the time used to import images in Omeka is not a
// problem.
$process['resizeImage'] = array($constraint, $constraint, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1, true);
// Remove the canvas.
$process['setImagePage'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
else {
$process['setImageBackgroundColor'] = new ImagickPixel('#ffffff');
$process['flattenImages'] = null;
$process['cropThumbnailImage'] = array($constraint, $constraint);
// Remove the canvas.
$process['setImagePage'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
return $process;
* Get the ImageMagick process selected by the user.
* @param string $process A comma-separated string to convert to a process.
* Example:
* flattenImages, cropImage 300 300 0 0
* @return array
private function _getProcessArgs($process)
$list = array();
foreach (explode(',', $process) as $value) {
$value = trim($value);
if (strpos($value, ' ') === false) {
$list[$value] = array();
else {
$values = explode(' ', $value);
$key = trim($values[0]);
$list[$key] = $values;
return $list;
* Returns true only if ImageMagick is able to make derivative images of that file based
* upon whether or not it can be identified by ImageMagick's 'identify' binary. Otherwise returns false.
* @param string $filePath
* @return boolean
private function _isDerivable($filePath)
// Next we'll check that it is identifiable by ImageMagick, and isn't on a blacklist
return (file_exists($filePath)
&& is_readable($filePath)
&& $this->_isIdentifiable($filePath));
* Returns true only if the file can be identified by ImageMagick.
* @param string $filePath
* @return boolean
private function _isIdentifiable($filePath)
try {
$image = new Imagick();
$isImage = $image->identifyImage();
$isImage = (boolean) $isImage;
} catch (ImagickException $e) {
$isImage = false;
return $isImage;
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