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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Hack to use Omeka on some shared hosts (needed with Omeka < 2.3), as OVH (replace application/libraries/Omeka/File/Derivative/Strategy/ExternalImageMagick.php)
* Adaptation pour que le serveur partagé d'OVH puisse créer les fichiers dérivés.
* @see application/libraries/Omeka/File/Derivative/Strategy/ExternalImageMagick.php
* @copyright Copyright 2007-2014 Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
* @license GNU GPLv3
* Strategy for making derivatives with ImageMagick on the command line.
* @package Omeka\File\Derivative\Strategy
class ExternalImageMagick
extends Omeka_File_Derivative_AbstractStrategy
private $_convertPath;
* Generate a derivative image from an existing file stored in Omeka.
* This image will be generated based on a constraint given in pixels. For
* example, if the constraint is 500, the resulting image file will be scaled
* so that the largest side is 500px. If the image is less than 500px on both
* sides, the image will not be resized.
* Derivative images will only be generated for files with mime types
* that pass any configured blacklist and/or whitelist and can be processed
* by the convert binary.
* @throws Omeka_File_Derivative_Exception
* @param string Command line arguments to the ImageMagick binary.
* It assumes these command line arguments are already escaped as shell arguments
public function createImage($sourcePath, $destPath, $type, $sizeConstraint, $mimeType)
$convertPath = $this->_getConvertPath();
$convertArgs = $this->_getConvertArgs($type, $sizeConstraint);
$page = (int) $this->getOption('page', 0);
$cmd = join(' ', array(
escapeshellarg($sourcePath . '[' . $page . ']'),
self::executeCommand($cmd, $status, $output, $errors);
// Modification pour OVH.
if (!empty($errors)) {
_log("Error output from ImageMagick:\n$errors", Zend_Log::WARN);
if ($status) {
_log("ImageMagick failed with status code $status.", Zend_Log::ERR);
return false;
if (!empty($errors)) {
$msg = "Error output from ImageMagick:\n$errors";
_log($msg, Zend_Log::WARN);
return false;
return true;
* Get the full path to the ImageMagick 'convert' command.
* @throws Omeka_File_Derivative_Exception When the path is not a valid directory.
* @return string
protected function _getConvertPath()
// Assert that this is both a valid path and a directory (cannot be a
// script).
if (!empty($this->_convertPath)) {
return $this->_convertPath;
// Adaptation pour OVH.
$this->_convertPath = $this->getOption('convert_path');
// if ($path && ($pathClean = realpath($path)) && is_dir($pathClean)) {
// TODO Add a check.
if ($this->_convertPath) {
// $pathClean = rtrim($pathClean, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
// $this->_convertPath = $pathClean . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT_COMMAND;
return $this->_convertPath;
} else {
throw new Omeka_File_Derivative_Exception('ImageMagick is not properly configured: invalid directory given for the ImageMagick command!');
* Get the ImageMagick command line for resizing to the given constraints.
* @param string $type Type of derivative being made.
* @param int $constraint Maximum side length in pixels.
* @return string
protected function _getConvertArgs($type, $constraint)
$version = $this->getOption('version', '0');
if ($type != 'square_thumbnail') {
return '-background white -flatten -thumbnail ' . escapeshellarg("{$constraint}x{$constraint}>");
} else {
$gravity = $this->getOption('gravity', 'Center');
// Native square thumbnail resize requires at least version 6.3.8-3.
if (version_compare($version, '6.3.8-3', '>=')) {
$args = array(
'-background white',
'-thumbnail ' . escapeshellarg("{$constraint}x{$constraint}^"),
'-gravity ' . escapeshellarg($gravity),
'-crop ' . escapeshellarg("{$constraint}x{$constraint}+0+0"),
} else {
$args = array(
'-thumbnail ' . escapeshellarg('x' . $constraint*2),
'-resize ' . escapeshellarg($constraint*2 . 'x<'),
'-resize 50%',
'-background white',
'-gravity ' . escapeshellarg($gravity),
'-crop ' . escapeshellarg("{$constraint}x{$constraint}+0+0"),
return join (' ', $args);
* Determine whether or not the path given to ImageMagick is valid.
* The convert binary must be within the directory and executable.
* @param string
* @return boolean
public static function isValidImageMagickPath($dirToIm)
if (!realpath($dirToIm) || !is_dir($dirToIm)) {
return false;
// Append the convert binary to the given path.
$imPath = rtrim($dirToIm, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
// Make sure the convert file is executable
if (!is_executable($convertPath)) {
return false;
// Attempt to run the ImageMagick binary with the version argument
// If you try to run it without any arguments, it returns an error code
$cmd = $convertPath . ' -version';
self::executeCommand($cmd, $status, $output, $errors);
// A return value of 0 indicates the convert binary is working correctly.
return $status == 0;
// Adaptation pour OVH.
return true;
* Retrieve the path to the directory containing ImageMagick's convert utility.
* Uses the 'which' command-line utility to detect the path to 'convert'.
* Note that this will only work if the convert utility is in PHP's PATH and
* thus can be located by 'which'.
* @return string The path to the directory if it can be found. Otherwise returns an empty string.
public static function getDefaultImageMagickDir()
// Use the "which" command to auto-detect the path to ImageMagick
$cmd = 'which ' . self::IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT_COMMAND;
try {
self::executeCommand($cmd, $status, $output, $errors);
// Modification pour OVH.
return $status == 0 ? dirname($output) : '';
return empty($errors) ? dirname($output[0]) : '';
} catch (Omeka_File_Derivative_Exception $e) {
return '';
public static function executeCommand($cmd, &$status, &$output, &$errors)
// Modification pour OVH.
// Using proc_open() instead of exec() solves a problem where exec('convert')
// fails with a "Permission Denied" error because the current working
// directory cannot be set properly via exec(). Note that exec() works
// fine when executing in the web environment but fails in CLI.
$descriptorSpec = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"), //STDIN
1 => array("pipe", "w"), //STDOUT
2 => array("pipe", "w"), //STDERR
if ($proc = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorSpec, $pipes, getcwd())) {
$output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
$errors = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
foreach ($pipes as $pipe) {
$status = proc_close($proc);
} else {
throw new Omeka_File_Derivative_Exception("Failed to execute command: $cmd.");
exec($cmd, $output, $error);
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