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Created April 21, 2023 10:25
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Gist for Azure Container App creation with OpenFGA
targetScope = 'resourceGroup'
@description('The location for Azure Container App.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
@description('Environment type.')
param environmentType string
@description('The name of the Azure Container Apps Environment.')
param containerAppsEnvName string
@description('The name of the Azure Container App.')
param contianerAppName string
@description('The full path to Docker image.')
param containerImage string
@description('The open FGA data store engine.')
param openFgaDataStoreEngine string
@description('The open FGA data store URI.')
param openFgaDataStoreUri string
@description('The open FGA log format.')
param openFgaDataStoreLogFormat string
@description('The open FGA authentication method.')
param openFgaDataStoreAuthMethod string
@description('The open FGA authentication key.')
param openFgaDataStorePresharedKey string
@description('The revision suffix for Azure Container App.')
param revisionSuffix string
@description('The switch for using external ingress for Azure Contianer App.')
param useExternalIngress bool = true
@description('The port number for the running container.')
param containerPort int
resource containerAppEnvironment 'Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments@2022-03-01' existing = {
name: containerAppsEnvName
resource containerApp 'Microsoft.App/containerApps@2022-03-01' = {
name: contianerAppName
location: location
properties: {
configuration: {
activeRevisionsMode: 'single'
secrets: [
name: 'open-fga-data-store-uri'
value: openFgaDataStoreUri
name: 'open-fga-authn-key'
value: openFgaDataStorePresharedKey
ingress: {
external: useExternalIngress
targetPort: containerPort
allowInsecure: true
template: {
revisionSuffix: revisionSuffix
containers: [
image: containerImage
name: contianerAppName
resources: {
cpu: json('.75')
memory: '1.5Gi'
command: [
env: [
value: openFgaDataStoreEngine
secretRef: 'open-fga-data-store-uri'
value: openFgaDataStoreLogFormat
value: openFgaDataStoreAuthMethod
secretRef: 'open-fga-authn-key'
scale: {
minReplicas: 1
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