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Created September 4, 2023 20:05
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  • Save Daniel217D/2f694d37e02334ae11e598a68c5225fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Script for updating plugin at
# Exit if any command fails.
set -e
# Define variables
PLUGIN_SLUG="test-plugin" # Replace with your plugin's slug
NEW_TAG="$1" # The new tag version (passed as a command-line argument)
# ENV Переменные
# Check if the NEW_TAG variable is empty
if [ -z "$NEW_TAG" ]
echo "\$NEW_TAG is empty"
exit 1
# Create a ZIP archive of the plugin
bash ./bin/
# Remove the local 'svn' directory if it exists
rm -rf svn
# Check out the WordPress SVN repository for the plugin into the 'svn' directory
svn co "$SVN_REPO" svn
# Remove the 'trunk' directory from the checked-out repository
rm -rf svn/trunk
# Copy the contents of the plugin from the 'build' directory to 'svn/trunk'
cp -r build/wc-tinkoff-secure-deal-payment-gateway svn/trunk
# Change the working directory to the 'svn' directory
cd svn
# Create a new tag in the SVN repository by copying the contents of 'trunk' to 'tags/$NEW_TAG'
svn cp trunk "tags/$NEW_TAG"
# Commit the new tag to the SVN repository with a commit message
svn ci -m "Publish $NEW_TAG github release" --username *** --password ***
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