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Created October 2, 2023 12:30
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Meteor Async Transition: Babel Plugin to keep Tracker Computation alive after "await"s
* This babel plugin tries to alleviate problems with Meteor Trackers' autoruns & reactive code
* when used together with async / await.
* We'll store a copy of the current Tracker.currentComputation inside each async function in your code (!!!)
* and then we'll restore it *after* each await call, but only in the current functions' context... it's complicated :) .
* But this seems to allow us, in short, to keep the code reactive even after multiple - and nested - await's.
* It's maybe not done, but it should be a good proof-of-concept for now.
* What is still missing?
* - doesn't work with multiple awaits in a single expression yet. The async function(s) called after the initial await will not have
* the context. Can be mitigated by not using multiple awaits in a single line / expression.
* If necessary / mitigation strategy:
* - pull out the await results into separate lines & assignments and use the results in the operation.
* so instead of
* const z = await getA() && await getB()
* do
* const a = await getA()
* const b = await getB()
* const z = a && b
* for example.
* - also doesn't work for eg. if/else blocks currently... easiest is to pull out the await returns & decide based on them for now :)
* - doesn't work with regular old Promise - objects yet. Promise-Objects could be monkey-patched by overriding their constructor
* though I think. Ping me if you're interested :)
* - optimization options:
* - Only add
* const ____secretCurrentComputation____ = Tracker?.currentComputation || null;
* to async functions actually containing awaits in their code.
* Here is an example for the transformations that will be applied to all async functions & awaits:
* Turns this code:
* async function test() {
* const a = await this.getA()
* const b = await this.getB()
* const c = await this.getC()
* return [a, b, c]
* }
* into this:
* async function test() {
* const ____secretCurrentComputation____ = Tracker?.currentComputation || null; // store Tracker.currentComputation if it exists
* const a = await this.getA();
* return Tracker.withComputation(____secretCurrentComputation____, async () => { // The first async function still gets the current computation.
* const ____secretCurrentComputation____ = Tracker?.currentComputation || null; // But after that it'll be gone.
* const b = await this.getB(); // So we wrap the rest of the functions' body in a
* return Tracker.withComputation(____secretCurrentComputation____, async () => { // Tracker.withComputation *for each await* so it'll keep the autorun global around.
* const ____secretCurrentComputation____ = Tracker?.currentComputation || null; //
* const c = await this.getC(); // BUT also so that the autorun will be cleaned up after
* return Tracker.withComputation(____secretCurrentComputation____, async () => { // the block has been executed... which is very important as to
* const ____secretCurrentComputation____ = Tracker?.currentComputation || null; // not have other, wrong dependencies registered because the Tracker.Autorun context
* return [a, b, c]; // hasn't been removed correctly.
* });
* });
* });
* }
module.exports = function ({types: t, template, caller}) {
let callerInfo
caller(function (c) {
callerInfo = c
// detect server/client for Meteor, we only need this for client code
let isServer = false
* Wraps all code in a function *after* an await statement into a Tracker.withComputation - block, recursively
* @param path
function wrapFollowingStatementsInBlock(path) {
// check the block content - for each line containing an await
let body = path.node.body.body
for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
let stmt = body[i]
let containsAwait = false
if (t.isExpressionStatement(stmt) && t.isAwaitExpression(stmt.expression)) {
containsAwait = true
} else if (t.isVariableDeclaration(stmt)) {
for (let declar of stmt.declarations) {
if (t.isAwaitExpression(declar.init)) {
containsAwait = true
} else if (t.isExpressionStatement(stmt) && t.isAssignmentExpression(stmt.expression) && t.isAwaitExpression(stmt.expression.right)) {
// Account for assignments with await on the right-hand side
containsAwait = true
if (containsAwait) {
if (i < body.length - 1) {
const afterAwait = body.splice(i + 1)
const wrapper = template(`
return Tracker.withComputation(____secretCurrentComputation____, async () => {
`)({BODY: afterAwait})
body.splice(i + 1, 0, wrapper)
i += afterAwait.length // Skip the inserted block
return {
visitor: {
Program: {
enter(_, state) {
isServer = callerInfo?.arch.startsWith('os.')
Function(path) {
// only for client code, not server
if (isServer) {
// only for async functions
if (!path.isFunction() || !path.node.async) {
// Ensure the body is a block statement (for arrow functions with expression bodies)
if (!t.isBlockStatement(path.node.body)) {
const originalBody = path.node.body
path.node.body = t.blockStatement([t.returnStatement(originalBody)])
// Add / store the Tracker.currentComputation so it'll be available using lexical scoping
// in this file, even if the code yielded / was interrupted because of an await:
const initCode = template.ast(`
const ____secretCurrentComputation____ = Tracker?.currentComputation || null;
`, {preserveComments: true})
path.get('body').unshiftContainer('body', initCode)
// Wrap the code following each await statement in a Tracker.withComputation(____secretCurrentComputation____) - block
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