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Last active March 5, 2016 21:07
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  • Save DanielFGray/819c62c6cfbdecd9f8e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DanielFGray/819c62c6cfbdecd9f8e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
function canReach(from, to, movements) {
//FIXME: attempt in multiple moves
const offset = [ Math.abs(from[0] - to[0]), Math.abs(from[1] - to[1]) ];
const valid_offsets = [ [1, 2], [2, 1] ];
return valid_offsets.some(o => {
return o[0] == offset[0] && o[1] == offset[1]
(function test(cases) {
cases.forEach(t => console.log(t[0] == t[1]));
[ canReach([6, 2], [8, 1], 1), true ],
[ canReach([6, 2], [8, 2], 1), false ],
[ canReach([6, 2], [8, 1], 2), false ],
[ canReach([6, 2], [8, 2], 2), true ],
[ canReach([6, 2], [6, 2], 0), true ],
[ canReach([6, 2], [8, 1], 0), false ],
function moveKnight(from) { }
function moveKnightRandom(from) { }
function compose() { }
function bind() { }
function unit() { }
function knightEngine(from, movements) { }
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