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Last active April 9, 2024 19:34
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#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- Copyright (C) 2018 Daniel Gröber <>
-- Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
-- are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
-- notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
-- without any warranty.
License: GNU All-Permissive License
This program parses and merges Z-Shell (zsh) extended history files.
Example usages:
To merge @some/zsh_history_file@, @some/other/zsh_history_file@ and
@~/.zsh_history@ and write the merged history list to @~/.zsh_history@:
$ ./zsh-history-merge some/zsh_history_file some/other/zsh_history_file ~/.zsh_history
module Main where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import System.Environment
import System.IO
usage = do
prog <- getProgName
hPutStrLn stderr $ prog ++ " HISTORY_FILE [HISTORY_FILE..] MERGE_FILE"
main = do
files <- getArgs
case files of
[] -> usage
[_] -> usage
_ -> do
let merge_file:_ = reverse files
hists <- mapM readFileLatin1 files
writeFile merge_file
$ joinLines
$ removeDuplicates
$ sortBy (compare `on` hlStart)
$ concat
$ map splitLines hists
removeDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
removeDuplicates = map head . group
readFileLatin1 :: FilePath -> IO String
readFileLatin1 f = do
hdl <- openFile f ReadMode
hSetEncoding hdl latin1 -- this will result in bogus characters but it always
-- succeeds and we only need the lower ascii chars for
-- parsing so it should be fine
-- read the file into memory to avoid truncating the merge file
c <- evaluate =<< (force <$> hGetContents hdl)
hClose hdl
return c
splitLines :: String -> [HistLine]
splitLines (':':' ':ws) = let
(start_time, ':':xs) = span isDigit ws
(end_time, ';':ys) = span isDigit xs
(command, zs) = spanLine ys
HistLine (read start_time) (read end_time) command : splitLines zs
splitLines [] = []
splitLines ws = error $ "unexpected line: " ++ take 100 ws
spanLine :: String -> (String, String)
spanLine xs = (ul, drop (length ul) xs)
ul = unlines (l++[ll])
(l, ll:ys) = span isContLine $ lines xs
isContLine l = lineEscape `isSuffixOf` l || oldLineEscape `isSuffixOf` l
oldLineEscape = "\\"
lineEscape = "\\\\"
joinLines :: [HistLine] -> String
joinLines ls = concat $ map renderLine ls
renderLine (HistLine s e c) =
": " ++ show s ++ ":" ++ show e ++ ";" ++ c
data HistLine =
{ hlStart :: Integer
, hlEnd :: Integer
, hlCmd :: String
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- NOTE: this program doesn't handle zsh's weird meta character unicode
-- encoding, see:
-- but
-- we don't really need to just to merge the history files. Just keep that in
-- mind if you intend to use this for something else.
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