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Last active July 13, 2020 08:50
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import React, { useContext, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
interface ExampleContextValue {
value: number;
setValue: (newValue: number) => void;
const ExampleContext = React.createContext<ExampleContextValue | undefined>(
interface ExampleContextProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
export function ExampleContextProvider({ children }: ExampleContextProps) {
const [value, setValue] = useState<number>(0);
const contextValue: ExampleContextValue = useMemo((): ExampleContextValue => {
return { value, setValue };
}, [value]);
return (
<ExampleContext.Provider value={contextValue}>
export function ExampleContextConsumer({
}: {
children: (ctx: ExampleContextValue) => React.ReactNode
}) {
const ctx = useExampleContext()
return <>{children(ctx)}</>
export function useExampleContext() {
const context = useContext(ExampleContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('useExampleContext must be used within a ExampleContextProvider');
return context;
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