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Last active July 17, 2017 01:03
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Save DanielKinsman/5843232 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cryptoparty downloads


Downloading software pre-cryptoparty

At cryptoparty many people are going to want to download new software on the night, and Electron Workshop's wifi is going to get hammered. You can make the whole thing quicker (and maintain better security) by downloading some stuff in advance.

Linux users should download software using their package manager (e.g. apt, synaptic, yum, ubuntu software center). Tip: if using apt you can download the pacakges without actually installing them by using the download only option e.g. sudo apt-get --download-only install pidgin-otr.

Windows and OSX users are limited to downloading software from the web as normal. Be sure to download any signature files (".asc" or ".sig") accompanying them as well, you'll learn what these are for at the cryptoparty.

Software list:

Extra credit:

  • Linux (I recommend mint)
  • tails
  • A bunch of applicable gpg public keys: gpg --recv-keys 750B8627 63FEE659 DE890574 4C292FCC 2BA87C5C F0D6B1E0 EC70B1B8 00D026C4 9369CDF3 FEB7C7BC BE2CD9C1


P.S. If checking the gpg sig of this very file, be sure to grab the raw markdown version. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJRxkElAAoJEHCcQjx1C4YnVkgQAMDjC/ywTDguic3c0kn3U4XK 0YJQOoa/jJCfn2IRYi58TUjRORGIgWTh9M2J68vIRvFY/sPkFk07lFjKRNisSUFG GrN7phNmRDH9zNBak2SdK4w1vK0TCM8I+038PvU/FVpM+LpS9mS5LJcG5C4X1OfQ puPOPAGq5wRZgRUQIJDDpXhQ3DGJbpGD3hROW0BcNQmszwao5bmsvQ/letPF8tNn ph0Oj6SJcwERsmgefAJ5XOOcmWnyk+itUDiNombpX6x1GIyzlCvl+9HYdyc40uUP /0X/BXXfIsa1oDDB1WFJqU37Kj8fv8rYNg+Ani01bNRNYvJi98HxeyYqRChIrGGl cFGZotmAX0hN7yiWJDs+mDOK3XnKx2H/l80ROK2gP0Eq95PtviMTptetPfACXR1s cn+UA2XZ4yNBt49ffuhGPy+BtxGSc98oFii/ku9CT9MzII2Im/hfg1YL+J8C+FXF bwB69by53HA+A4TR+Yx0Q3ZUEkh66he3g831x3G95zW9K2LkBRjJllFAcz8cBfUo AXZqyYXQmIJIPfs47Kxg2qLK8FxcJScgYqN2qFsHAsYV1R+H/qYy9jTf1mD4UXae gBAuKGK/JzCbOOsmOpuEnic9oJduk2IRqGyZCcOvRU1VLDJKtRB9eQf+jgW9pJ70 L1a4Z297b2G7xP2uYF40 =1rn4 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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Thanks Daniel - is this file related to the upcoming party in Brisbane, have been searching for a contact point.

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