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Created December 12, 2013 01:10
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. /usr/share/bsdconfig/struct.subr || exit 1
# NB: Change "echo" to "eval" below to perform the output
echo "$( sysctl -n kern.geom.confxml | awk '
struct_count["class"] = 0
struct_count["geom"] = 0
struct_count["consumer"] = 0
struct_count["provider"] = 0
############################################### FUNCTIONS
function set_value(prop, value)
if (!struct_stack[cur_struct]) return failure
printf "%s set %s \"%s\"\n",
struct_stack[cur_struct], prop, value
function create(type, id)
if (struct = created[type "_" id]) {
print "f_struct_free", struct
print "f_struct_new GEOM_" toupper(type), struct
} else {
struct = struct_stack[cur_struct]
struct = struct ( struct ? "" : "geom" )
struct = struct "_" type "_" ++struct_count[type]
print "f_struct_new GEOM_" toupper(type), struct
struct_stack[++cur_struct] = struct
set_value("id", id)
function extract_attr(field, attr)
if (match(field, attr "=\"0x[[:xdigit:]]+\"")) {
len = length(attr)
return substr($2, len + 3, RLENGTH - len - 3)
function extract_data(type)
data = $0
sub("^[[:space:]]*<" type ">", "", data)
sub("</" type ">.*$", "", data)
return data
############################################### OPENING PATTERNS
$1 ~ /^<mesh/ { mesh = 1 }
$1 ~ /^<(class|geom|consumer|provider)$/ && mesh {
if ((ref = extract_attr($2, "ref")) != "")
set_value(substr($1, 2) "_ref", ref)
else if ((id = extract_attr($2, "id")) != "")
create(substr($1, 2), id)
############################################### PROPERTIES
$1 ~ /^<[[:alnum:]]+>/ {
prop = $1
sub(/^</, "", prop); sub(/>.*/, "", prop)
set_value(prop, extract_data(prop))
############################################### CLOSING PATTERNS
$1 ~ "^</(consumer|provider)>$" {
$1 == "</geom>" {
set_value("nconsumers", struct_count["consumer"])
set_value("nproviders", struct_count["provider"])
struct_count["consumer"] = 0
struct_count["provider"] = 0
$1 == "</class>" {
set_value("ngeoms", struct_count["geom"])
struct_count["consumer"] = 0
struct_count["provider"] = 0
struct_count["geom"] = 0
$1 == "</mesh>" {
printf "NGEOM_CLASSES=%u\n", struct_count["class"]
delete struct_count
mesh = 0
' )"
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