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Created November 15, 2014 08:10
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Discussion/coding for the 4chan archiver I had with @antonizoon
# Archiver options object proposal
""" might only need to be an Archiver constructor now?
not sure, how do you mean exactly?
as I see it, the main reason to make the Options class is to simplify things internally
like passing options between the Archiver and the SiteArchivers (or whatever we do to support 4chan/Fuuka/etc)
I can certainly see doing it like that, but even then I think we'd be creating an Options object internally. Definitely different files, but subclassing from a standard BaseSiteArchiver or something similar, so those objects have the same API to the controlling Archiver object (and can be used as a simple list to iterate over, below in add_thread and download_threads)
well, that make sense. True, that would really help to have a unified GUI.
I might start playing about with refactoring the repo
probably want to create a brand new repo, since we wrote from scratch anyway, name it BASC_Archiver
sure, I'll be reusing lots of code from BA-4chan-thread-archiver as well for the 4chan-specific archiver class
class Options:
"""Holds options for Archiver."""
def __init__(self, path, enable_ssl=False, **kwargs):
self.path = path
self.enable_ssl = enable_ssl
for arg_name in kwargs:
set(self, arg_name, kwargs[arg_name])
class Archiver:
def __init__(self, options=None):
if options is None:
options = Options()
self.options = options
self.archivers = []
for archiver in default_archivers:
def add_thread(self, url):
"""Archive the given thread if possible"""
url_archived = False
for archiver in self.archivers:
if archiver.url_valid(url):
url_archived = True
if url_archived:
return True
print 'We could not find a valid archiver for:', url
return False
def download_threads(self):
"""Download all the threads we currently hold."""
for archiver in self.archivers:
# site-specific archivers
default_archivers = [FourChanSiteArchiver, FuukaSiteArchiver]
class BaseSiteArchiver:
name = 'base'
def __init__(self, options):
if name == 'base':
raise Exception('BaseSiteArchiver must be subclassed!')
self.threads = {}
self.options = options
def url_valid(self, url):
"""Return true if the given URL is for my site."""
raise Exception('override this method')
def add_thread(self, url):
"""Try to add the given thread to our internal list."""
raise Exception('override this method')
def download_threads(self):
"""Download all the threads we currently hold."""
raise Exception('override this method')
def _download_thread(self, thread_info):
"""Download the given thread, from the thread info."""
raise Exception('override this method')
# use py4chan, but specifically our improved BASC-py4chan fork
class FourChanSiteArchiver(BaseSiteArchiver):
name = '4chan'
# just an example concept for now, since we have no Python wrapper for the Fuuka API yet
class FuukaSiteArchiver(BaseSiteArchiver):
name = 'fuuka'
def __init__(self, options):
BaseSiteArchiver.__init__(self, options)
def url_valid(self, url):
"""Return True if this is a Fuuka thread URL."""
# use regexes, etc to determine this
def add_thread(self, url):
"""Add thread to our internal list."""
board_name = url magic
thread_id = url magic
thread_dir = magic
self.threads[thread_id] = {
'board': board_name,
'dir': thread_dir,
'id': thread_id,
def download_threads(self):
"""Download all the threads in our list."""
for thread_id in self.threads:
thread_info = self.threads[thread_id]
def _download_thread(self, thread_info):
"""Download the given thread, from the thread info."""
# do all the complex downloading junk here
# CLI-specific script file
__doc__ = "BA-4chan-thread-archiver. Uses the 4chan API (with the py4chan wrapper) etc..."
arguments = docopt(__doc__)
# nicer to do the docopt stuff this way (setting the docopy string as __doc__)
# because then the docstring shows up properly in help()
# I'm just doing some prototyping up here, don't mind me
I once thought up a BASC_Archiver library (akin to py-4chan, or basically an extension of it)
This way, we could develop multiple interfaces for the same functions, and third parties could
import it to create interesting new scripts (one that archives certain posts, etc.)
Also might be a good idea to make it usable with Fuuka
making it extensible would be nice
Ah yeah, that Options class can be shared between CLI and Gui clients
### CLI Interface: BA-4chan-thread-archiver
Designed to be fully compatible, drop-in replacement for the current thread archiver. I made a great example here:
such a script would only have a main method and some CLI interface helper methods
Make sure to update it to work with the class you are making
import BASC_Fourchan.Archiver # class for archiving from 4chan
"""=== Docopt Arguments and Documentation ==="""
from docopt import docopt
doc = """BA-4chan-thread-archiver. Uses the 4chan API (with the py4chan wrapper)
to download thread images and/or thumbnails, along with thread HTML, JSON,
and a list of referenced external links.
4chan-thread-archiver <url> [--path=<string>] [--delay=<int>] [--nothumbs] [--thumbsonly] [--enablessl]
4chan-thread-archiver -h | --help
4chan-thread-archiver -v | --version
--runonce Downloads the thread as it is presently, then exits
--silent Suppresses mundane printouts, prints what's important
--nothumbs Don't download thumbnails
--thumbsonly Download thumbnails, no images
--enablessl Download using HTTPS
--delay=<int> Delay between thread checks [default: 20]
-h --help Show help
-v --version Show version
# Dhole's awesome 4chan URL check regex function
def check_url(url):
Make sure that the given URL is a valid 4chan thread URL.
Originates from The Chandler by Dhole
url_parsed = re.findall("http(?:s)?://(?:boards.)?.*/*/(?:res|thread)/[0-9]+(?:.php|.html)?", url)
if len(url_parsed) < 1:
return ""
return url_parsed[0]
def timestamp():
`Timestamp` <>_
now = time.time()
localtime = time.localtime(now)
return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime)
def main():
Docopt Argument Setup
# Copy data from docopt arguments
thread = args.get('<url>').split('/')[5]
board = args.get('<url>').split('/')[3]
path = args.get('--path')
runonce = args.get('--runonce', False)
silent = args.get('--silent', False)
delay = args.get('--delay')
nothumbs = args.get('--nothumbs', False)
thumbsonly = args.get('--thumbsonly', False)
enablessl = args.get('--enablessl', False)
# Set destination directory
dst_dir = os.path.join(path, board, thread)
# Set a default path if none is given
if (path == None):
path = os.path.join(os.getcwd() + os.path.sep + _DEFAULT_FOLDER)
Initialization and stop conditions
# Stop the script if the given URL is malformed
if (check_url(args.get('<url>')) == ""):
print(_TAG + "The URL is invalid, or it isn't a 4chan thread URL.")
raise SystemExit(0)
# Initialize Archiver object
curr_archiver = BASC_Fourchan.Archiver(board, thread, https=enablessl)
try/except loop to handle Ctrl-C
# Switch to check for first run
first_iteration = True
while 1:
if (first_iteration == False): # don't run this code the first time
# Wait to execute code again
print("\n" + _TAG + "Waiting %s seconds before retrying (Type Ctrl-C to stop)" % delay)
if curr_thread.is_404:
# Stop when thread gets 404'ed
print(_TAG + "%s - [Thread 404'ed or Connection Lost]" % timestamp())
print(" :: Dump complete. To resume dumping the same thread,\nrun this script again.")
raise SystemExit(0)
# Update thread and check if new replies have appeared
new_replies = curr_thread.update()
if (new_replies == 0):
print(_TAG + "%s - [No new posts.]" % timestamp())
print(_TAG + "%s - [%s new post(s) found!]" % (timestamp(), new_replies))
# If all tests are OK, dump thread again
curr_archiver.dump(dst_dir, nothumbs, thumbsonly)
# dump thread for the first time
print(_TAG + "Dumping the thread...")
curr_archiver.dump(dst_dir, nothumbs, thumbsonly)
# first iteration is complete
first_iteration = False
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Stop try/except loop when [Ctrl-C] is pressed
print(" :: Dump complete. To resume dumping the same thread,\nrun this script again.")
raise SystemExit(0)
Use docopt to get arguments, and run main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(doc, version=0.3)
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