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Last active May 2, 2022 23:55
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  • Save DanielTakeshi/43cd6a1505bc07c9cd406113c615adb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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For plotting some A2C results from OpenAI baselines.
Quick script I ran to visualuze some A2C results. Just run `python` in the same directory
as where the stuff in `files` is located.
import argparse, csv, os, pickle, sys, matplotlib
from os.path import join
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-darkgrid')
import numpy as np
def smoothed(x, w):
"""Smooth x by averaging over sliding windows of w.
assert len(x) > w
smooth = []
for i in range(1, w):
smooth.append( np.mean(x[0:i]) )
for i in range(w, len(x)+1):
smooth.append( np.mean(x[i-w:i]) )
assert len(x) == len(smooth)
return np.array(smooth)
# For each item here: (file path, plot title, plot row index).
files = [
('openai-02cpu-2018-09-26-17-52-19-054836', 'A2C, Pong, env=2', 0),
('openai-04cpu-2018-09-27-08-23-19-939494', 'A2C, Pong, env=4', 1),
('openai-08cpu-2018-09-26-21-04-18-045069', 'A2C, Pong, env=8', 2),
('openai-16cpu-2018-09-26-17-45-39-553564', 'A2C, Pong, env=16', 3),
titlesize = 35
xsize = 30
nrows, ncols = 4, 3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, squeeze=False, figsize=(11*ncols,8*nrows))
for f in files:
print("\nCurrently on: {}".format(f))
fname, title, row = f
monitors = sorted([xx for xx in os.listdir(fname) if 'monitor.csv' in xx and '.swp' not in xx])
# Put all the monitor curves. Might need to smooth them.
for env_idx,mon in enumerate(monitors):
scores = []
steps = []
times = []
csv_path = join(fname,mon)
with open(csv_path) as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
line_count = 0
for csv_row in csv_reader:
if line_count == 0 or line_count == 1:
line_count += 1
line_count += 1
print("finished: {}".format(csv_path))
# Now process to see as a function of episodes and training steps, etc.
# In the csv file, _steps_ are NOT cumulative, but _time_ IS.
num_episodes = len(scores)
tr_episodes = np.arange(num_episodes)
tr_steps = np.cumsum(steps)
tr_times = np.array(times) / 60.0 # get it in minutes
# Plot!! For scores, use the raw ones.
envlabel = 'env {}'.format(env_idx)
ax[row,0].plot(tr_episodes, scores, label=envlabel+'; {:.1f}'.format(scores[-1]))
# Then for here, use the smoothed scores across window `w`.
sm_10 = smoothed(scores, w=10)
ax[row,1].plot(tr_steps, sm_10, label=envlabel+'; {:.1f}'.format(sm_10[-1]))
# And another way of smoothing.
sm_100 = smoothed(scores, w=100)
ax[row,2].plot(tr_times, sm_100, label=envlabel+'; {:.1f}'.format(sm_100[-1]))
# Bells and whistles
for col in range(ncols):
ax[row,col].set_ylabel("Scores", fontsize=30)
ax[row,col].tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=25)
ax[row,col].tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=25)
leg = ax[row,col].legend(loc="best", ncol=2, prop={'size':25})
for legobj in leg.legendHandles:
ax[row,0].set_title(title+', Raw Scores', fontsize=titlesize)
ax[row,0].set_xlabel("Training Episodes", fontsize=xsize)
ax[row,1].set_title(title+', Smoothed (w=10)', fontsize=titlesize)
ax[row,1].set_xlabel("Training Steps", fontsize=xsize)
ax[row,2].set_title(title+', Smoothed (w=100)', fontsize=titlesize)
ax[row,2].set_xlabel("Training Time (Minutes)", fontsize=xsize)
figname = 'a2c_tests.png'
print("\nJust saved: {}".format(figname))
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