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Created July 9, 2011 22:36
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Solving the Teleprompter coding kata in clojure
; Solving the Teleprompter coding kata in clojure
; (
(defn de-slang [text dictionary]
(.split text "\\$")
(map (fn [word] [(str "\\$" word "\\$") (get dictionary word)]))
(filter (fn [word_set] (last word_set)) )
(reduce (fn [str, word_set] (.replaceAll str (first word_set) (last word_set))) text)) )
; Testing it
(def dictionary {"name" "nomenknocker", "Bob" "Frizizl", "I have" "i haz"})
(def text "my $name$ is $Bob$ and $I have$ $50 cash." )
(de-slang text dictionary )
;> "my nomenknocker is Frizizl and i haz $50 cash."
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