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Last active April 27, 2021 14:45
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full configuration for bitcoind with regtest and docker
rpcauth=<rpcuser>:<rpc auth line created by>
# Used for inspecting transactions
rpcauth=<rpc auth line created using>
# Using different ports from the previous container
# The default ones are: 18443 (rpcport), 18444 (port)
connect=<first container ip, fetched from the docker network>:18444

01- Create two different docker containers (there are bitcoin.conf examples below) bitcoind-regtest-01 and bitcoind-regtest-02 pointing to different data folders (The regtest network will only work with at least 2 nodes).

  • bitcoind -conf=/path/to/bitcoind-regtest-01/bitcoin.conf -datadir=/path/to/bitcoind-regtest-01/data/folder -daemon
  • bitcoind -conf=/path/to/bitcoind-regtest-02/bitcoin.conf -datadir=/path/to/bitcoind-regtest-02/data/folder -daemon

02- Create a docker network with the 2 containers

  • docker network create bitcoind-regtest-network
  • docker network connect bitcoind-regtest-network bitcoind-regtest-01
  • docker network connect bitcoind-regtest-network bitcoind-regtest-02

03- Get the ip address of the bitcoind-regtest-01 container in the network and change the bitcoind-regtest-02 bitcoin.conf accordingly (since the bitcoind-regtest-02 node should be connecting to bitcoind-regtest-01). If this step is not done the getblocktemplate method will not work.

  • docker network inspect bitcoind-regtest-network

04- Start the containers, observe the logs and check if there are no connection problems there

05- From the host machine (outside of the containers) export some environment variables (only used for testing purposes):

  • rpc_user_pass="<rpc_user>:<rpc_password>"
  • bitcoind_regtest_1_url="http://<bitcoind-regtest-01 ip address in the bitcoind-regtest-network>:<bitcoind-regtest-01 rcp port>/"
  • bitcoind_regtest_2_url="http://<bitcoind-regtest-01 ip address in the bitcoind-regtest-network>:<bitcoind-regtest-01 rcp port>/"
  • command_1="curl --user $rpc_user_password --data-binary \"{\\\"jsonrpc\\\": \\\"1.0\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"curltest\\\", \\\"method\\\": \\\"\$method\\\", \\\"params\\\": \$params }\" -H \"content-type: text/plain;\" $bitcoind_regtest_1_url"
  • command_2="curl --user $rpc_user_password --data-binary \"{\\\"jsonrpc\\\": \\\"1.0\\\", \\\"id\\\": \\\"curltest\\\", \\\"method\\\": \\\"\$method\\\", \\\"params\\\": \$params }\" -H \"content-type: text/plain;\" $bitcoind_regtest_2_url"

06- Test if it is working (a valid ouput should appear in both commands):

  • method="getblockchaininfo" && params="[]" && eval "$command_1"
  • method="getblockchaininfo" && params="[]" && eval "$command_2"

07- Check if the bitcoind-regtest-01 node has an connections_in connection with the other one:

  • method="getnetworkinfo" && params="[]" && eval "$command_1"

08- Check if the bitcoind-regtest-02 node has an connections_out connection with the other one:

  • method="getnetworkinfo" && params="[]" && eval "$command_2"

09- Probably no wallet is loaded yet, so let's check it

  • method="getwalletinfo" && params="[]" && eval "$command_1"
  • The output should be something like:
    • {"result":null,"error":{"code":-18,"message":"No wallet is loaded. Load a wallet using loadwallet or create a new one with createwallet. (Note: A default wallet is no longer automatically created)"},"id":"curltest"}

10- Create a wallet if there's no one available (

  • method=createwallet && params='["/path/inside/the/container/or/shared/volume/where/you/want/to/store/the/wallet/regtest-01", false, false, "<wallet password here>", false, false, false]' && eval "$command_1"

11- Use the getwalletinfo method again, if the wallet is not loaded, load it with

  • method="loadwallet" && params='["/path/inside/the/container/or/shared/volume/where/you/want/to/store/the/wallet/regtest-01"]' && eval "$command_1"
  • Check if the wallet is loaded properly with the getwalletinfo method.

12- method="getnewaddress" && params="[]" && eval "$command_1"

13- `method="generatetoaddress" && params='[10, ""]'

14- TODO, complete documentation with other instructions from here:

15- Remember that after mining the block, generate more 100 blocks so we can see the values in the balance properly.

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