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Created August 31, 2012 22:51
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Code for my second blog post on CTFE in D 2/0
module rotationmatrices;
import std.stdio;
import cordicalgorithm;
struct mat(T = float){
T[][] data;
pure mat!T opBinary(string op)(mat!T rhs){
static if (op == "*" || op == "+" || op == "-"){
return mat!T(mmOp!(T, op)(data,;
}else static assert(0, "Operator "~op~" not implemented");
pure bool opEquals(ref const mat!T rhs){
equals_t tmp = true;
if(!tmp) return tmp;
tmp = tmp && (data[i][j] ==[i][j]);
return tmp;
pure T[][] mmOp(T = float, string op)(in T[][] A, in T[][] B)
assert(isFloatingPoint!T, "T must be a FloatingPoint type");
assert(A.length > 0,"A has no length");
assert(B.length > 0,"B has no length");
foreach(i; 0 .. A.length){
assert(A[i].length == B.length, "A[i].length != B.length");
T[][] d;
T tmp;
foreach(i; 0 .. A.length){
T[] row;
foreach(j; 0 .. B[i].length){
tmp = 0.0;
foreach(k; 0 .. A[i].length){
tmp += mixin("A[i][k] "~op~" B[k][j]");
row ~= tmp;
d ~= row;
return d;
pure mat!(T)[3][] gen_rotationmatrices(T = float)(){
mat!(T)[3][] result = new mat!(T)[3][](360);
T sini,cosi;
debug pragma(msg, "Generating rotation matrices");
foreach(i; 0 .. 360){
sini = sin(i);
cosi = cos(i);
result[i] = [
mat!(T)([[ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [ 0.0, cosi, -sini], [ 0.0, sini, cosi]]),
mat!(T)([[cosi, 0.0, sini], [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-sini, 0.0, cosi]]),
mat!(T)([[cosi, -sini, 0.0], [sini, cosi, 0.0], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])];
debug pragma(msg, "Done rotation matrices");
return result;
immutable rmatrix = gen_rotationmatrices!double();
enum{YAW = 0, PITCH = 1, ROLL = 2};
pure auto yaw(size_t deg){ deg = degreeloop(deg); return cast(matrix)rmatrix[deg][YAW]; }
pure auto pitch(size_t deg){ deg = degreeloop(deg); return cast(matrix)rmatrix[deg][PITCH];}
pure auto roll(size_t deg){ deg = degreeloop(deg); return cast(matrix)rmatrix[deg][ROLL]; }
pure auto rotationmatrix(size_t y,size_t p,size_t r,){
return yaw(y) * pitch(p) * roll(r);
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