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Created December 6, 2020 17:28
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Staircase Problem Code Body
//Let us make a table of factorials as I feel they're
//going to be really useful.
var maxNStored = 1;
var storedFactorials = [1n, 1n]
function getFactorial(n){
//We can say that if n is not in our stored factors, no other factorials
//are in there. Don't worry, we can't fill that stored factorial list
//up too big as factorials get big FAST.
if(n > maxNStored){
let factorial = storedFactorials[maxNStored];
for(let i = maxNStored + 1; i <= n; ++i){
factorial *= BigInt(i);
maxNStored = n;
return storedFactorials[n];
//The factorial if you divide m! out n! in this case we are better off without
//using recursion as we can define the factorial with a straight for loop.
//We can also sneak in the other divisors
function factorialQuotient(n, m){
let factorial = 1n;
for(let factor = n; factor > m; factor--){
factorial *= BigInt(factor);
return factorial;
function getUniqueCombinationCountOf(a, b, c){
//The number of ways we could combine these if a, b and c were
//all distinguishable would just be a + b + c.
//but a, b and c are all distinguishable
//but if they are indistinguishable, you want to throw
//two cominations that are the same out.
//So, you have (a + b + c)! for the base value,
//you are choosing all of them, so (n - r)! = 1
//and then you remove duplicates of subcombinations
//of a, b, c or a!, b!, c! or...
//(a + b + c)! / (a!*b!*c!);
//Unfortunately, a + b + c could be a HUGE number,
//factorials grow FAST, so we should divide out c
//ahead of time.
let sortedABCCount = [a, b, c].sort();
const smallestFactorial1 = getFactorial(sortedABCCount[0]);
const smallestFactorial2 = getFactorial(sortedABCCount[1]);
return factorialQuotient((a + b + c), sortedABCCount[2]) / (smallestFactorial1 * smallestFactorial2);
var prevPermutations = {};
function stepPerms(n){
//Before we do anything, check if we have already encountered this
//staircase before, if so, we can just return that number as two staircases
//with the same number of stairs will have the same number of combinations
if(n in prevPermutations){
return prevPermutations[n];
//The first thing to note is that we are looking for all
//a, b and c such that a + 2 * b + 3 * c = n stairs
//and then get all permutations and combinations of a set of
//a 1s, b 2s, and c 3s. I can tell we will need another function
//that computes this.
//In the meanwhile, we can just walk through values, b and c
//such that their sum is less then or equal to n.
//then a is just n - 2 * b + 3 * c.
//To keep the number low, ever time we sum, we modulo
//At the end, or if the number if the sum will exceed MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
//To avoid overflow.
//Also, JS now supports BigInt, so... HAHAHAHA!!!
let sum = 0n;
const modNum = BigInt(10000000007);
//We will run over c first because it will create the shortest outer loop
const maxC = Math.floor(n / 3.0);
for(let c = 0; c <= maxC; ++c){
const cTimes3 = c * 3;
const maxB = Math.floor((n - cTimes3) / 2.0);
for(let b = 0; b <= maxB; ++b){
const bTimes2 = b * 2;
const a = n - cTimes3 - bTimes2;
//Always check to see if we are going over the max safe JS integer
//to avoid overflow. Luckily, because our answer is modulo,
//we can apply modulo to our sum as we go.
const comboCountOfABC = getUniqueCombinationCountOf(a, b, c);
if(BigInt(sum + comboCountOfABC) >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER){
sum += ((sum % modNum) + comboCountOfABC);
sum += comboCountOfABC;
//When we are done, always apply the modulo again to stay within
//the requirements of the function and store the result so we do
//not have to compute it again.
prevPermutations[n] = sum % modNum;
return prevPermutations[n];
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