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Created December 23, 2020 04:50
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Number Of Annagram Pair Substrings In A String
var maxNStored = 1;
var storedFactorials = [1n, 1n]
function getFactorial(n){
//We can say that if n is not in our stored factors, no other factorials
//are in there. Don't worry, we can't fill that stored factorial list
//up too big as factorials get big FAST.
if(n > maxNStored){
let factorial = storedFactorials[maxNStored];
for(let i = maxNStored + 1; i <= n; ++i){
factorial *= BigInt(i);
maxNStored = n;
return storedFactorials[n];
function hash(s){
//I initially wanted to do a bitmask hash
//xor'd, but the amount of each letter is important
//therefore, the far better solution is to just sort
//the letters as we go.
return s.join('');
function recursiveAnnagramSearch(s, numIterations){
if(numIterations == s.length){
return 0;
let annagramHash = {};
let annagramKeys = [];
const subStringLength = s.length - numIterations;
for(let i = 0; i <= numIterations; ++i){
const subArray = s.slice(i, i + subStringLength);
const stringHash = hash(subArray);
annagramHash[stringHash] += 1;
annagramHash[stringHash] = 1;
//Now count the number of annagrams at this level by counting the number of
//combinations of our number of substrings with these ids
let pairs = 0;
for(let i = 0, numAnnagramKeys = annagramKeys.length; i < numAnnagramKeys; ++i){
//The number of pairs is the number of combinations of annagram keys
let num = annagramHash[annagramKeys[i]];
if(num > 1){
pairs += Number(getFactorial(num) / (2n * getFactorial(num - 2)));
return pairs + recursiveAnnagramSearch(s, numIterations + 1);
// Complete the sherlockAndAnagrams function below.
function sherlockAndAnagrams(s, numIterations = 1) {
//S is a 100, so it isn't terribly huge.
//we do need to break the string apart into all substrings
//and a recursive method would probably do fine.
//The number of anagrams at each level of recursion can be added to
//the previous version.
//Rather then checking each character to see what annagrams
//can be made, we instead run them through getStringId
//to hash each string, and add new values as we go.
//When we have finished iterating through all elements of s
//we return the number of annagrams.
const sArray = s.split('');
return recursiveAnnagramSearch(sArray, 1);
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