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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Merge data from a list of ajax requests using jQuery deferred
var dataArguments = ['args1','arg2','arg3','arg4'];
var bucket =[];
$.when.apply($,$.map(dataArguments, function(arg){
//here you setup and return an ajax request
//for example
var ajaxData = {term:arg, somethingelse:0};
return $.ajax({
data: ajaxData,
url: "something that comes from somewhere",
success : function(serverData) {
//do some processing on your serverData if need be
//then push the results in the bucket
})).then(function(data) {
//this is executed when all ajax calls have been completed
//we dont really care for the data var here. Since we already processed our serverData and put it into the bucket
console.log(bucket); //<-- contains your processed data
//if your not doing a collection via the bucket variable
//then the arguments var will contain all the arguments for this function, where each argument is basically an argument list
//for the success handler
arguments //<-- iterate through this var to process all your results
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