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Last active February 2, 2019 20:21
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#include "ReShade.fxh"
uniform float fUISpeed <
ui_type = "drag";
ui_label = "Speed";
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0;
ui_step = 0.01;
> = 0.3;
uniform bool bUIUseCustomColors <
ui_type = "radio";
ui_label = "Use Custom Colors";
> = false;
uniform float3 fUIColorMin <
ui_type = "color";
ui_label = "Color Min";
> = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
uniform float3 fUIColorMax <
ui_type = "color";
ui_label = "Color Max";
> = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform float fUIStrength <
ui_type = "slider";
ui_label = "Strength";
ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0;
ui_step = 0.01;
> = 1.0;
uniform bool bUIShowDebug <
ui_type = "radio";
ui_label = "Show Debug Values";
ui_tooltip = "Shows the min/max RGB values";
> = true;
uniform float frametime < source = "frametime"; >;
#define MAX3(v) max(v.x, max(v.y, v.z))
#define MIN3(v) min(v.x, min(v.y, v.z))
namespace RemoveTint {
texture2D texMinRGB { Width = 1; Height = 1; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler2D samplerMinRGB { Texture = texMinRGB; };
texture2D texMaxRGB { Width = 1; Height = 1; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler2D samplerMaxRGB { Texture = texMaxRGB; };
texture2D texMinRGBLastFrame { Width = 1; Height = 1; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler2D samplerMinRGBLastFrame { Texture = texMinRGBLastFrame; };
texture2D texMaxRGBLastFrame { Width = 1; Height = 1; Format = RGBA16F; };
sampler2D samplerMaxRGBLastFrame { Texture = texMaxRGBLastFrame; };
float3 DrawDebugCurveXY(float3 background, float2 texcoord, float value, float3 color, float curveDiv) {
float p = exp(-(BUFFER_HEIGHT/curveDiv) * length(texcoord - float2(texcoord.x, 1.0 - value)));
return lerp(background, color, saturate(p));
float3 DrawDebugCurveYX(float3 background, float2 texcoord, float value, float3 color, float curveDiv) {
float p = exp(-(BUFFER_HEIGHT/curveDiv) * length(texcoord - float2(value, texcoord.y)));
return lerp(background, color, saturate(p));
void MinMaxRGB_PS(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TexCoord, out float4 minRGB : SV_Target0, out float4 maxRGB : SV_Target1) {
float3 color;
minRGB = 1.0;
maxRGB = 0.0;
// Cycle through backbuffer and get the min/max values
for(int x = 0; x < BUFFER_WIDTH; x+=REMOVE_TINT_MINMAX_STEP) {
color = tex2Dfetch(ReShade::BackBuffer, int4(x, y, 0, 0)).rgb;
maxRGB.r = lerp(maxRGB.r, color.r, step(maxRGB.r, color.r));
maxRGB.g = lerp(maxRGB.g, color.g, step(maxRGB.g, color.g));
maxRGB.b = lerp(maxRGB.b, color.b, step(maxRGB.b, color.b));
minRGB.r = lerp(minRGB.r, color.r, step(color.r, minRGB.r));
minRGB.g = lerp(minRGB.g, color.g, step(color.g, minRGB.g));
minRGB.b = lerp(minRGB.b, color.b, step(color.b, minRGB.b));
minRGB.rgb = lerp(minRGB.rgb, fUIColorMin, bUIUseCustomColors);
maxRGB.rgb = lerp(maxRGB.rgb, fUIColorMax, bUIUseCustomColors);
// Saturate the lerp factor - it could get higher than 1.0 when the game hangs
float factor = saturate(fUISpeed * frametime * 0.01);
// Set alpha channel to 1.0 so the texture can be viewed in the statistics page.
minRGB = float4(lerp(tex2Dfetch(samplerMinRGBLastFrame, int4(0, 0, 0, 0)).rgb, minRGB.rgb, factor), 1.0);
maxRGB = float4(lerp(tex2Dfetch(samplerMaxRGBLastFrame, int4(0, 0, 0, 0)).rgb, maxRGB.rgb, factor), 1.0);
void MinMaxRGBBackup_PS(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TexCoord, out float4 minRGB : SV_Target0, out float4 maxRGB : SV_Target1) {
minRGB = tex2Dfetch(samplerMinRGB, int4(0, 0, 0, 0));
maxRGB = tex2Dfetch(samplerMaxRGB, int4(0, 0, 0, 0));
float3 Apply_PS(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TexCoord) : SV_Target {
float3 color = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord).rgb;
float3 minRGB = tex2Dfetch(RemoveTint::samplerMinRGB, int4(0, 0, 0, 0)).rgb;
float3 maxRGB = tex2Dfetch(RemoveTint::samplerMaxRGB, int4(0, 0, 0, 0)).rgb;
color = RemoveTint::DrawDebugCurveYX(color, texcoord, minRGB.r, float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0);
color = RemoveTint::DrawDebugCurveYX(color, texcoord, minRGB.g, float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1.0);
color = RemoveTint::DrawDebugCurveYX(color, texcoord, minRGB.b, float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0);
color = RemoveTint::DrawDebugCurveYX(color, texcoord, maxRGB.r, float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.0);
color = RemoveTint::DrawDebugCurveYX(color, texcoord, maxRGB.g, float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1.0);
color = RemoveTint::DrawDebugCurveYX(color, texcoord, maxRGB.b, float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0);
return saturate(lerp(color, (color - minRGB) / (maxRGB-minRGB), fUIStrength));
technique RemoveTint <
ui_tooltip = "This shader reduces tinting of the image.\n\n"
"Available preprocessor definitions:\n"
pass {
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = RemoveTint::MinMaxRGB_PS;
RenderTarget0 = RemoveTint::texMinRGB;
RenderTarget1 = RemoveTint::texMaxRGB;
pass {
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = RemoveTint::MinMaxRGBBackup_PS;
RenderTarget0 = RemoveTint::texMinRGBLastFrame;
RenderTarget1 = RemoveTint::texMaxRGBLastFrame;
pass {
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = RemoveTint::Apply_PS;
/* RenderTarget = BackBuffer */
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