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Last active May 3, 2023 18:33
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Example of an interpreter with recursive types using compdata
-- You need DeepSubsumption enabled in order for the example to compile.
{-# LANGUAGE DeepSubsumption #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Eval where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, evalStateT, gets, liftIO, modify', void)
import Data.Comp.Multi
import Data.Comp.Multi.Derive
import Data.Comp.Multi.Equality ()
import Data.Comp.Multi.Ordering ()
import Data.Comp.Multi.Show ()
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
type Id = String
data Exp'
data Stm'
data Value e l where
Id :: Id -> Value e Exp'
Num :: Int -> Value e Exp'
data Op e l where
Plus :: e Exp' -> e Exp' -> Op e Exp'
Minus :: e Exp' -> e Exp' -> Op e Exp'
Times :: e Exp' -> e Exp' -> Op e Exp'
Div :: e Exp' -> e Exp' -> Op e Exp'
data Comb e l where
ESeq :: e Stm' -> e Exp' -> Comb e Exp'
data StmUnit e l where
Stm :: StmUnit e Stm'
data StmValue e l where
Compound :: e Stm' -> e Stm' -> StmValue e Stm'
Assign :: Id -> e Exp' -> StmValue e Stm'
Print :: [e Exp'] -> StmValue e Stm'
type Exp = Value :+: Op :+: Comb
type Stm = StmUnit :+: StmValue
type Sig = Exp :+: Stm
$(derive [makeHFunctor, makeHTraversable, makeHFoldable] [''Value, ''Op, ''Comb, ''StmValue, ''StmUnit])
$(derive [smartConstructors] [''Value, ''Op, ''Comb, ''StmValue])
-- `smartConstructors` doesn't work with StmUnit, so write iStm manually.
iStm :: (StmUnit :<: f) => Term f Stm'
iStm = inject Stm
type Env = [(Id, Int)]
class EvalM f v where
evalAlgM :: AlgM (StateT Env IO) f (Term v)
-- You need this to print anything!
$(derive [liftSum] [''EvalM])
evalM :: (HTraversable f, EvalM f v) => Env -> Term f i -> IO (Term v i)
evalM env = flip evalStateT env . cataM evalAlgM
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (f :<: v) => EvalM f v where
evalAlgM = pure . inject
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Value :<: v) => EvalM Value v where
evalAlgM (Id i) = iNum . fromJust <$> gets (lookup i)
evalAlgM v = pure $ inject v
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Value :<: v) => EvalM Op v where
evalAlgM (Plus a b) = pure $ iNum $ pNum a + pNum b
evalAlgM (Minus a b) = pure $ iNum $ pNum a - pNum b
evalAlgM (Times a b) = pure $ iNum $ pNum a * pNum b
evalAlgM (Div a b) = pure $ iNum $ pNum a `quot` pNum b
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Value :<: v) => EvalM Comb v where
evalAlgM (ESeq _ e) = pure e
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Value :<: v, StmUnit :<: v) => EvalM StmValue v where
evalAlgM (Compound _ s2) = pure s2
evalAlgM (Assign i e) = iStm <$ modify' ((i, pNum e) :)
evalAlgM (Print es) = iStm <$ traverse_ (liftIO . print . pNum) es
pNum :: (Value :<: v) => Term v Exp' -> Int
pNum v = case project v of Just (Num n) -> n
prog :: Term Sig Stm'
prog =
(iAssign "a" (iPlus (iNum 5) (iNum 3)))
( iCompound
( iAssign
( iESeq
(iPrint [iId "a", iMinus (iId "a") (iNum 1)])
(iTimes (iNum 10) (iId "a"))
(iPrint [iId "b"])
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Evaluating program:"
void $ evalM @_ @Sig [] prog
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