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Created January 16, 2017 05:12
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Glium drawing a textured rectangle
extern crate glium;
extern crate cgmath;
extern crate image;
use cgmath::{Vector2, Matrix4};
use glium::glutin;
use glium::{DisplayBuild, Surface};
use std::io::Cursor;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Vertex {
// The fields in Vertex are usually there
// to be passed into the shader file.
position: [f32; 2],
// This line implements the Vertex using a macro inside glium.
// Don't forget to include all of the fields as parameters otherwise
// glium won't pass those into the shader.
implement_vertex!(Vertex, position);
const VERTEX_SHADER: &'static str = r#"
#version 140
// Input parameter from the Vertex struct.
in vec2 position;
// Uniform parameter passed in from the frame.draw() call.
uniform mat4 projection;
// Output texture coordinates that gets passed into the fragment shader.
out vec2 v_tex_coords;
void main() {
// In order to return the texture coordinate for a specific
// vertex we have to know what vertex is currently being passed in.
// We do this through gl_VertexID which increments with every vertex passed in.
// We can figure out the rectangle specific index from the vertex id by modding it
// by 4. Example: if a vertex has id 16, then it is the first vertex of the fourth
// rectangle being drawn. 16 % 4 == 0 which correctly returns the first index.
if (gl_VertexID % 4 == 0) { // First vertex
v_tex_coords = vec2(0.0, 1.0);
} else if (gl_VertexID % 4 == 1) { // Second vertex
v_tex_coords = vec2(1.0, 1.0);
} else if (gl_VertexID % 4 == 2) { // Third vertex
v_tex_coords = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
} else { // Fourth vertex
v_tex_coords = vec2(1.0, 0.0);
gl_Position = projection * vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
const FRAGMENT_SHADER: &'static str = r#"
#version 140
// Input texture coordinates passed from the vertex shader.
in vec2 v_tex_coords;
// Outputs the color for the specific fragment.
out vec4 color;
// Uniform parameter passed in from the frame.draw() call.
uniform sampler2D tex;
void main() {
// Applies a texture to the rectangle.
color = texture(tex, v_tex_coords);
const SCREEN_WIDTH: u32 = 1024;
const SCREEN_HEIGHT: u32 = 768;
fn main() {
let display = glutin::WindowBuilder::new()
.with_title(format!("Hello world!"))
// Load the texture.
let texture = {
let img = image::load(
let img_dim = img.dimensions();
let img = glium::texture::RawImage2d::from_raw_rgba_reversed(img.into_raw(), img_dim);
glium::texture::Texture2d::new(&display, img).unwrap()
// Before we can draw the rectangle we have to
// tell OpenGL what a rectangle is. All OpenGL needs
// to know is that a rectangle is four vertexes (points)
// and that you can make two triangles from the four points.
let (rect_vertices, rect_indices) = {
// Data specifying how triangles would be made from the 4 points.
// The first triangle consists of vertexes 0, 1, and 2,
// while the second triangle consists of 1, 3, 2.
// 0 1
// +------+
// | / |
// | / |
// |/ |
// +------+
// 2 3
let ib_data: Vec<u16> = vec![0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2];
// Creates a dynamic vertex buffer with four points.
// Dynamic means that the actual vertexes will be specified later which means
// the size of our rectangle is not fixed.
let vb = glium::VertexBuffer::empty_dynamic(&display, 4).unwrap();
// Creates an index buffer showing how the triangles would be made from the four points.
let ib = glium::IndexBuffer::new(
(vb, ib)
// Create a program from the two shaders.
// A "program" is just a bunch of shaders so you can have multiple programs
// for drawing different things.
let rect_program = glium::Program::from_source(
let perspective = {
let matrix: Matrix4<f32> = cgmath::ortho(
Into::<[[f32; 4]; 4]>::into(matrix)
let rect_size = Vector2 {
x: 300.0,
y: 300.0,
let mut rect_position = Vector2 {
x: (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) as f32,
y: (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) as f32,
// Main event loop where all the drawing code is contained.
loop {
let mut frame = display.draw();
// Start with white background.
frame.clear_color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// Dynamically set the rectangle's vertices.
let left = rect_position.x - rect_size.x / 2.0;
let right = rect_position.x + rect_size.x / 2.0;
let bottom = rect_position.y + rect_size.y / 2.0;
let top = rect_position.y - rect_size.y / 2.0;
let vb_data = vec![
Vertex { position: [left, top] },
Vertex { position: [right, top] },
Vertex { position: [left, bottom] },
Vertex { position: [right, bottom] }
// Draw the rectangle.
// Uniform parameters to pass into the shaders.
let uniforms = uniform! {
projection: perspective,
tex: &texture,
// Handles keyboard input.
for event in display.poll_events() {
match event {
glutin::Event::Closed => return,
glutin::Event::KeyboardInput(glutin::ElementState::Pressed, _, Some(glutin::VirtualKeyCode::Escape)) => return,
_ => {}
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ghost commented Jan 30, 2023

stupid question : how do i draw a second one

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After drawing the first rectangle, set the rectangle's vertices again and then draw it again before finishing the frame. It would be better for the rectangle to take in a model matrix uniform so it can be drawn multiple times in different positions and scales though.

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ghost commented Jan 30, 2023

oh ok thanks

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