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Last active October 15, 2018 01:48
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questions list for meme site
"text": "Alexander Suh, one of the primary officers of Dev Club, assigned club members to [u]create[/u] a PSAT website.",
"choices": [
"PANIC because the sentence looks correct to you but \"NO CHANGE\" is not an option",
"DELETE Alexander Suh"
"correct": 3,
"feedback": "Alexander Suh is unnecesary in this sentence (and everywhere else too) and provides irrelevant detail. Therefore, \"D: DELETE Alexander Suh\" is the correct answer."
"text": "Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?",
"choices": [
"Obnoxiously flip back to the passage four times, checking each answer choice",
"Lines 19-22 (\"He acted ... totally unhelpful.\")",
"lol jk ily Alex <3"
"correct": 1,
"feedback": "You didn't even understand the passage, so \"B: idk\" is the correct answer."
"text": "According to the passage, how does Angeli feel about Darin Mao?",
"choices": [
"Annoying freshman",
"kinda sus lmao",
"coolest boi"
"correct": 0,
"feedback": "Choice C may seem correct, but choice \"A: Annoying freshman\" is a more complete and correct response."
"text": "&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML [u]PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\"[/u]&gt;",
"choices": [
"PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\"",
"PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\" \"\"",
"PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Strict//EN\" \"\"",
"DELETE the underlined portion, changing capitalization as necessary"
"correct": 3,
"feedback": "We should REALLY be using HTML 5. Therefore, \"D: DELETE the underlined portion, changing capitalization as necessary\" is the correct answer."
"text": "[img][/img]\nWhich claim is most directly supported by the graph?",
"choices": [
"My test scores on any given day decreased as the ratio of sleep to awake increased.",
"Darin sucks at every class",
"My test scores on any given day decreased as the ratio of sleep to awake decreased.",
"pls give good grades"
"correct": 2,
"feedback": "Choice A is completely incorrect, and choice D is irrelevant. Both choice B and C are supported by the graph, but choice C is much more detailed. Therefore, \"C: My test scores on any given day decreased as the ratio of sleep to awake decreased\" is the correct answer."
"text": "[u]Alexander Suh[/u]",
"choices": [
"Alexandar Suh",
"[size=25][b]W E S T V I R G I N I A[/b][/size]",
"suh dooooooooooooooooood"
"correct": 0,
"feedback": "Alex is perfect and requires no change. Therefore, \"A: NO CHANGE <3\" is the correct answer."
"text": "Darin is designing and coding a website. The time it takes for him to produce a finished product, in minutes, can be modeled with the equation $y=10x+30$. Which is the most reasonable interpretation of $x$ in the equation?",
"choices": [
"My biology grade :(",
"Day of the week",
"My age divided by two plus 7",
"Number of bugs"
"correct": 3,
"feedback": "The time it takes to produce a website scales linearly with x, so we are looking for the answer choice that would likely increase the time to produce a website. The only reasonable choice is \"D: Number of bugs\"."
"text": "A web developer has two weeks to code a website. He [i]plans[/i] to write two hundred ($200$) lines of code per day. If the developer works for 5 days a week, then how many lines of code does he plan to write with the time he has?",
"choices": [
"correct": 3,
"feedback": "The web developer works five days a week for two weeks. This means he works 5*2=10 days in total. Multiplying 10*200 gives the correct answer, \"D: 2000\"."
"text": "Regarding the previous question, how many lines of code will the developer [i]actually[/i] write?",
"choices": [
"correct": 2,
"feedback": "The web developer is extremely lazy, so he will write very little code. Therefore, the smallest answer choice, \"C: 47\", is the correct answer."
"text": "According to Alexander Suh, not going to a (one ($1$)) Dev Club meeting decreases your chances of being cool by $5\\%$. If Darin starts out with a $105\\%$ chance of being cool, then what is the probability of Darin being cool after missing 4 Dev Club meetings?",
"choices": [
"correct": 0,
"feedback": "This is an example of exponential decay. Plugging the numbers into the equation y=a(1-r)^t, we get y=105%(1-0.05)^4=85.5232%. Therefore, \"A: 85.5%\" is the correct answer."
"text": "You have five ($5$) minutes remaining in this section.",
"choices": [
"chill out because you finished everything already",
"[size=20][b][i][u]SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE!!!!!!!![/u][/i][/b][/size]",
"Check your work on this section only",
"correct": 1,
"feedback": "You have not yet finished the section, so you must rush to complete all of the questions. Therefore, \"B: SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE!!!!!!!!\" is the correct answer."
"text": "What should you do if you didn't study for the PSAT as a junior and you are now taking the PSAT?",
"choices": [
"You studied for the SAT instead so it's okay",
"Take an L",
"Be a 1337 h4x0r and get all the answ3rs"
"correct": 3,
"feedback": "Choices A and C both produce a bad result, so they are incorrect. Choice B is not true, so it is incorrect as well. That leaves \"D: Be a 1337 h4x0r and get all the answ3rs\" as the correct answer."
"text": "What is the meaning of \"quick\" in this context?",
"choices": [
"What context does this even refer to?",
"Wrong because you sped too quickly through the PSAT and didn't read the question.",
"NullPointerException at line 1: no context has been specified"
"correct": 3,
"feedback": "Without a passage, it is impossible to determine the meaning of anything in context. Therefore, \"D: NullPointerException at line 1: no context has been specified\" is the correct answer."
"text": "Which of the following produces the best effect for customers?",
"choices": [
"26 types of jam",
"6 types of jam",
"I'm going to regret picking this option later"
"correct": 1,
"feedback": "As stated in the passage, less choice will result in more customers purchasing jam and also more customer satisfaction. More choice leads to a higher chance that customers will regret their decision later. Therefore, \"B: 6 types of jam\" is the correct answer."
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