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Created August 4, 2021 09:41
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"data": {
"reviewer": [
"id": 1,
"name": "susan smith",
"job": "web developer",
"text": "I'm baby meggings twee health goth +1. Bicycle rights tumeric chartreuse before they sold out chambray pop-up. Shaman humblebrag pickled coloring book salvia hoodie, cold-pressed four dollar toast everyday carry"
"id": 2,
"name": "anna johnson",
"job": "web designer",
"text": "Helvetica artisan kinfolk thundercats lumbersexual blue bottle. Disrupt glossier gastropub deep v vice franzen hell of brooklyn twee enamel pin fashion booth jean shorts artisan narwhal."
"id": 3,
"name": "peter jones",
"job": "intern",
"text": "Sriracha literally flexitarian irony, vape marfa unicorn. Glossier tattooed 8-bit, fixie waistcoat offal activated charcoal slow-carb marfa hell of pabst raclette post-ironic jianbing swag."
"id": 4,
"name": "bill anderson",
"job": "the boss",
"text": "Edison bulb put a bird on it humblebrag, marfa pok pok heirloom fashion axe cray stumptown venmo actually seitan. VHS farm-to-table schlitz, edison bulb pop-up 3 wolf moon tote bag street art shabby chic. "
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