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Created May 26, 2011 08:35
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Plot RNA exon and junction counts
.plotValues <- function(data, plot.columns, y.range, y.lab, plot.type, cols, ord, main,
g.symbol, first.plot)
if(plot.type == "line")
matplot(data[, plot.columns, drop = FALSE], ylim = y.range, type = 'l', lty = 1, lwd = 2,
ylab = y.lab, col = cols, main = main, xaxt = 'n')
axis(1, 1:nrow(data), ord)
} else {
plot.values <- t(data[, plot.columns, drop = FALSE])
if(ncol(plot.values) < 5)
bar.x.lim <- c(1, 15)
bar.x.lim <- c(1, ncol(plot.values) * (nrow(plot.values) + 1))
barplot(plot.values, xlim = bar.x.lim, ylim = y.range, names.arg = ord,
ylab = y.lab, col = cols, beside = TRUE, main = main)
title(g.symbol, outer = TRUE)
.shiftLabels <- function(labels.x, labels.y, x.min, x.max, n.models)
{ <- 0.01 * (x.max - x.min)
labels.x <- labels.x[, order(labels.x[2, , drop = FALSE]), drop = FALSE]
max.consec <- ifelse(n.models <= 4, 6, 3)
consec = 1
for(index in 2:length(labels.y))
if(abs(labels.x[1, index] - labels.x[1, index - 1]) < && consec < max.consec)
labels.y[index] <- labels.y[index - 1] - 0.03
consec = consec + 1
} else {
consec = 1
list(labels.x, labels.y)
.findLimits <- function(scores, diffs)
if(is.null(diffs)) y.min <- 0 else y.min <- min(scores[is.finite(scores)])
y.max <- max(scores[is.finite(scores)])
if(y.min > 0) y.min <- 0
if(y.max < 0) y.max <- 0
} else {
y.min <- -50
y.max <- 50
c(y.min, y.max)
setGeneric("rnaPlot", function(counts, ...)
setMethod("rnaPlot", c("GRanges"),
function(counts, diffs = NULL, scale = c("none", "log", "sqrt"), genes = NULL, tx.db, cols = NULL,
plot.columns = NULL, plot.type = c("line", "bar"), y.lab = '',
plot.exons = TRUE, plot.intronic = TRUE, plot.junctions = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE)
stop("'cols' not given.")
if(is.null(plot.columns) && is.null(diffs))
stop("Columns to use in plotting not given. Can only be NULL if 'diffs' is given.")
plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type)
scale <- match.arg(scale)
counts.df <-
diffs.scores <- lapply(diffs, function(diff)
diff <- strsplit(diff, " {0, }- {0, }")[[1]]
use.counts <- counts.df[, diff]
if(scale == "log") use.counts <- log2(use.counts) else use.counts <- sqrt(use.counts)
use.counts[, 2] - use.counts[, 1]
names(diffs.scores) <- diffs
counts.df <- cbind(counts.df, diffs.scores)
plot.columns <- match(diffs, colnames(counts.df))
} else {
plot.columns <- plot.columns + 5 # Offset for coordinates columns.
counts.df <- counts.df[counts.df[, "gene"] %in% genes, ]
counts.df$pos <- (counts.df$start + counts.df$end) / 2
counts.df <- counts.df[order(counts.df[, "pos"]), ]
genes.scores <- split(, factor(counts.df$gene, levels = genes))
if("gene.symbol" %in% colnames(counts.df))
symbols <- counts.df[match(names(genes.scores), counts.df$gene), "gene.symbol"]
symbols <- names(genes.scores)
# Get transcripts of each gene.
gene.txs <- transcriptsBy(tx.db, "gene")
gene.txs <- gene.txs[names(genes.scores)]
# Get exons of each transcript.
tx.exons <- exonsBy(tx.db, "tx")
n.graphs <- sum(plot.exons || plot.junctions, plot.intronic)
g.row <- match(names(genes.scores), counts.df[, "gene"])
strands <- counts.df[g.row, "strand"]
chrs <- counts.df[g.row, "seqnames"]
par(oma = c(3, 1, 2, 1))
feat.used <- character()
if(plot.exons) feat.used <- c(feat.used, "exon")
if(plot.junctions) feat.used <- c(feat.used, "junction")
if(plot.intronic) feat.used <- c(feat.used, "intronic")
if(verbose) message("Plotting genes.")
for(g.index in 1:length(symbols))
curr.scores <- genes.scores[[g.index]]
curr.txs <- gene.txs[[g.index]]
models.frac <- 1/2 + min(length(curr.txs), 5) / 10
par(mar = c(1, 4, 3, 1))
layout(matrix(1:(2*(n.graphs + 1)), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
heights = c(rep(1/n.graphs, n.graphs), models.frac), widths = c(7, 1))
g.strand <- strands[g.index]
y.range <- .findLimits(as.matrix(curr.scores[curr.scores[, "type"] %in% feat.used, plot.columns]), diffs)
if(plot.exons || plot.junctions)
keep <- "exon"
keep <- c(keep, "junction")
tx.scores <- curr.scores[curr.scores[, "type"] %in% keep, ]
if(g.strand == '+')
ex.jct.ord <- 1:nrow(tx.scores)
ex.jct.ord <- nrow(tx.scores):1
tx.IR <- IRanges(tx.scores[, "start"], tx.scores[, "end"])
.plotValues(tx.scores, plot.columns, y.range, y.lab, plot.type, cols, ex.jct.ord,
"Exons and Junctions", symbols[g.index], TRUE)
# Put legend on the side
par(mar = c(1, 0, 3, 0))
legend("top", colnames(counts.df[, plot.columns, drop = FALSE]), fill = cols)
par(mar = c(1, 4, 3, 1))
is.first <- ifelse(plot.exons || plot.junctions, FALSE, TRUE)
in.scores <- curr.scores[curr.scores[, "type"] %in% "intronic", ]
if(nrow(in.scores) > 0)
if(g.strand == '+') in.ord <- 1:nrow(in.scores) else in.ord <- nrow(in.scores):1
.plotValues(in.scores, plot.columns, y.range, y.lab, plot.type, cols, in.ord,
"Intronic Gaps", symbols[g.index], is.first)
} else {
plot.window(c(0, 1), c(0, 1))
text(0.5, 0.5, "No intronic regions\nfor this gene.")
par(mar = c(1, 0, 3, 0))
legend("top", colnames(counts.df[, plot.columns, drop = FALSE]), fill = cols)
x.min <- min(start(curr.txs))
x.max <- max(end(curr.txs)) <- 0.01 * (x.max - x.min)
x.min <- x.min -
x.max <- x.max +
x.ticks <- seq(x.min, x.max, floor((x.max - x.min) / 10))
par(mar = c(1, 2, 0, 1))
plot.window(xlim = c(x.min, x.max), ylim = c(0, models.frac))
axis(1, at = x.ticks)
n.models <- length(curr.txs) * (plot.exons || plot.junctions) + plot.intronic
model.ys <- models.frac - 0.05 - (models.frac - 0.05) / n.models * 0:(n.models - 1)
tx.ys <- if(plot.intronic) model.ys[-length(model.ys)] else model.ys
curr.txs.df <-
gene.disjoint.exons <- tx.scores[tx.scores[, "type"] == "exon", c("start", "end")]
disjoint.exons.IR <- IRanges(gene.disjoint.exons[, 1], gene.disjoint.exons[, 2])
mapply(function(x, y)
labels.x <- NULL
curr.exons <- ranges(tx.exons[[y]])
curr.exons <- disjoint.exons.IR[queryHits(findOverlaps(disjoint.exons.IR, curr.exons, type = "within"))]
if(g.strand == '-') curr.exons <- rev(curr.exons) <- ex.jct.ord[intersect(subjectHits(findOverlaps(curr.exons, tx.IR, type = "equal")), which(tx.scores[, "type"] == "exon"))]
# Draw exon rectangles.
mapply(function(st, end)
rect(st, x - 0.02, end, x + 0.02, col = "darkblue", lty = 0)
}, start(curr.exons), end(curr.exons))
labels.x <- rbind((start(curr.exons) + end(curr.exons)) / 2,
# Draw junction lines and arrowheads.
curr.juncts <- gaps(curr.exons)
if(length(curr.juncts) > 0)
{ <- ex.jct.ord[subjectHits(findOverlaps(curr.juncts, tx.IR, type = "equal"))]
mapply(function(st, end)
middle <- (st + end) / 2
lines(c(st, middle, middle, end), x + c(0.02, 0.04, 0.04, 0.02), col = "darkblue")
}, start(curr.juncts), end(curr.juncts))
labels.x <- cbind(labels.x, rbind((start(curr.juncts) + end(curr.juncts)) / 2,
labels.y <- rep(x - 0.04, ncol(labels.x))
if(ncol(labels.x) > 1)
xy.list <- .shiftLabels(labels.x, labels.y, x.min, x.max, n.models)
labels.x <- xy.list[[1]]
labels.y <- xy.list[[2]]
text(labels.x[1, ], labels.y, labels.x[2, ])
}, tx.ys, curr.txs.df[, "tx_id"])
{ <- model.ys[length(model.ys)]
if(nrow(in.scores) > 0)
mapply(function(st, end, col)
lines(c(st, end), rep(, 2), col = col)
}, in.scores[, "start"], in.scores[, "end"], "darkblue")
labels.x <- rbind(in.scores[, "pos"], in.ord)
labels.y <- rep( - 0.03, nrow(in.scores))
if(ncol(labels.x) > 1)
xy.list <- .shiftLabels(labels.x, labels.y, x.min, x.max, n.models)
labels.x <- xy.list[[1]]
labels.y <- xy.list[[2]]
text(labels.x[1, ], labels.y, labels.x[2, ])
} else {
text(mean(c(x.min, x.max)),, "No intronic regions\nfor this gene.")
mtext(chrs[g.index], 1, 3)
par(mar = c(1, 1, 0, 0))
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, models.frac))
text(0.5, model.ys, c(as.character(curr.txs.df[, "tx_name"]), if(plot.intronic) "Intronic Gaps"))
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DarioS commented Aug 22, 2011

22 August : The user gives the plot y-label now. Trying to auto-generate in became too hard.

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DarioS commented Aug 23, 2011

23 August: Now handles the case of disjoint exons in the count object.

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