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<Daeken> well, it's actually pretty straightforward. i'm interested in the following functions: connect(), getpeername(), and closesocket()
<Daeken> all of which are part of winsock and reside in ws2_32.dll
<Daeken> winsock's functions all happen to have the same prolog (what sets up a function): mov edi, edi; push ebp; mov ebp, esp
<Daeken> those three instructions happen to take up 5 bytes (2, 1, 2, respectively), the same size as a 32-bit jump. so these functions are candidates for trampolining.
<Daeken> now, what that means is that you patch the beginning of the function with a jump to your own custom version of the function. this is advantageous in that any way you call the patched function, it ends up calling your replacement.
<Daeken> so you patch beginning of the function with a jump to your replacement, and write the replacement just like you'd write it if you were to implement the function normally -- nothing special at all.
<Daeken> now, where it gets a bit complex is if you want to call the