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Last active November 15, 2021 04:29
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TypeScript definitions for the gtfs library (
// Type definitions for gtfs 3.1.4
// Project:
// Definitions by: Matt Moran <>
import parse from "csv-parse";
import { Database } from "sqlite";
declare module "gtfs" {
type SqlValue = undefined | null | string | number | boolean | Date | SqlValue[];
type SqlWhere = Record<string, null | SqlValue | SqlValue[]>;
type SqlSelect = string[];
type SqlOrderBy = [string, "ASC" | "DESC"][];
export interface Config {
* An array of GTFS files to be imported.
agencies: {
* Exclude files - if you don't want all GTFS files to be imported,
* you can specify an array of files to exclude.
exclude?: string[];
* Specify custom headers for download URL.
headers?: Record<string, string>;
* Specify a path to a zipped GTFS file or an unzipped GTFS directory.
* One of `url` or `path` must be provided.
path?: string;
* Specify a download URL. One of `url` or `path` must be provided.
url?: string;
* Options passed to csv-parse for parsing GTFS CSV files.
csvOptions?: parse.Options;
* Path to a directory to store exported GTFS files. Defaults to `gtfs-export/<agency_name>`.
exportPath?: string;
* A path to an SQLite database. Defaults to using an in-memory database.
sqlitePath?: string;
* Whether or not to print output to the console. Defaults to true.
verbose?: boolean;
* Use exportGtfs() in your code to run an export of a GTFS file specified in a config.json file.
export function exportGtfs(config: Config): Promise<void>;
* Use importGtfs() in your code to run an import of a GTFS file specified in a config.json file.
export function importGtfs(config: Config): Promise<void>;
* Open database before making any queries.
export function openDb(config: Config): Promise<Database>;
* Closes open database.
export function closeDb(): Promise<void>;
* Get open database. Throws error if no database is open.
export function getDb(): Promise<Database>;
* Queries agencies and returns a promise for an array of agencies.
export function getAgencies(query: SqlWhere, fields: SqlSelect, sortBy: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries attributions and returns a promise for an array of attributions.
export function getAttributions(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries routes and returns a promise for an array of routes.
export function getRoutes(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries stops and returns a promise for an array of stops.
export function getStops(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries stops and returns a promise for an geoJSON object of stops.
* All valid queries for `getStops()` work for `getStopsAsGeoJSON()`.
export function getStopsAsGeoJSON(query?: SqlWhere): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries `stop_times` and returns a promise for an array of stop_times.
export function getStoptimes(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries trips and returns a promise for an array of trips.
export function getTrips(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries shapes and returns a promise for an array of shapes.
export function getShapes(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries shapes and returns a promise for an geoJSON object of shapes.
* All valid queries for `getShapes()` work for `getShapesAsGeoJSON()`.
export function getShapesAsGeoJSON(query?: SqlWhere): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries calendars and returns a promise for an array of calendars.
export function getCalendars(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries calendar_dates and returns a promise for an array of calendar_dates.
export function getCalendarDates(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries fare_attributes and returns a promise for an array of fare_attributes.
export function getFareAttributes(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries fare_rules and returns a promise for an array of fare_rules.
export function getFareRules(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries feed_info and returns a promise for an array of feed_infos.
export function getFeedInfo(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries frequencies and returns a promise for an array of frequencies.
export function getFrequencies(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries levels and returns a promise for an array of levels.
export function getLevels(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries pathways and returns a promise for an array of pathways.
export function getPathways(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries transfers and returns a promise for an array of transfers.
export function getTransfers(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries translations and returns a promise for an array of translations.
export function getTranslations(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries directions and returns a promise for an array of directions.
* These are from the non-standard `directions.txt` file.
export function getDirections(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries stop_attributes and returns a promise for an array of stop_attributes.
* These are from the non-standard `stop_attributes.txt` file.
export function getStopAttributes(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries timetables and returns a promise for an array of timetables.
* These are from the non-standard `timetables.txt` file.
export function getTimetables(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries timetable_stop_orders and returns a promise for an array of timetable_stop_orders.
* These are from the non-standard `timetable_stop_order.txt` file.
export function getTimetableStopOrders(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries timetable_pages and returns a promise for an array of timetable_pages.
* These are from the non-standard `timetable_pages.txt` file.
export function getTimetablePages(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries timetable_notes and returns a promise for an array of timetable_notes.
* These are from the non-standard `timetable_notes.txt` file.
export function getTimetableNotes(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries timetable_notes_references and returns a promise for an array of timetable_notes references.
* These are from the non-standard `timetable_notes_references.txt` file.
export function getTimetableNotesReferences(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries board-alights and returns a promise for an array of board-alights.
export function getBoardAlights(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries ride-feed-info and returns a promise for an array of ride-feed-info.
export function getRideFeedInfos(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries rider trips and returns a promise for an array of rider trips.
export function getRiderTrips(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries riderships and returns a promise for an array of riderships.
export function getRiderships(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
* Queries trip-capacities and returns a promise for an array of trip-capacities.
export function getTripCapacities(query?: SqlWhere, fields?: SqlSelect, sortBy?: SqlOrderBy): Record<string, any>[];
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