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Created October 16, 2017 09:59
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Basic Chroma Keying HLSL Shader
float _Tolerance;
float _Threshold;
// Color Space Conversions can be found here:
// cn -> color normalization
float cnRGB2XYZ(float val) {
if(val > 0.04045) {
return pow((val + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
return val / 12.92;
float3 cnRGB2XYZ(float3 rgb) {
return float3(cnRGB2XYZ(rgb.r), cnRGB2XYZ(rgb.g), cnRGB2XYZ(rgb.b));
// and:
float3 sRGB2XYZ(float3 rgb) {
rgb = cnRGB2XYZ(rgb);
float3x3 mat = float3x3(
0.4124564, 0.3575761, 0.1804375,
0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750,
0.0193339, 0.1191920, 0.9503041
return float3(
0.4124564 * rgb.r + 0.3575761 * rgb.g + 0.1804375 * rgb.b,
0.2126729 * rgb.r + 0.7151522 * rgb.g + 0.0721750 * rgb.b,
0.0193339 * rgb.r + 0.1191920 * rgb.g + 0.9503041 * rgb.b
float cnXYZ2LAB(float val) {
if(val > 0.008856f) {
return pow(val, 1.0f / 3.0f);
return 7.787f * val + 0.137931f;
float3 cnXYZ2LAB(float3 rgb) {
return float3(cnXYZ2LAB(rgb.r), cnXYZ2LAB(rgb.g), cnXYZ2LAB(rgb.b));
float3 XYZ2LAB(float3 xyz, float3 refCol) {
xyz = xyz / refCol;
xyz = cnXYZ2LAB(xyz);
return float3(
(116.0f * xyz.y) - 16.0f,
500.0f * (xyz.x - xyz.y),
200.0f * (xyz.y - xyz.z)
float deltaE_CIE76(float3 lab1, float3 lab2) {
return sqrt(
pow(lab2.x - lab1.x, 2) +
pow(lab2.y - lab1.y, 2) +
pow(lab2.z - lab1.z, 2)
float deltaE_CIE76_sRGB(float3 srgb, float3 ref) {
float3 refCol = float3(0.95047f, 1.00f, 1.08883f);
// convert to LAB
srgb = XYZ2LAB(sRGB2XYZ(srgb), refCol);
ref = XYZ2LAB(sRGB2XYZ(ref), refCol);
return deltaE_CIE76(srgb, ref);
float chromaKey(float4 col, float4 targetColor) {
if(col.a == 0) {
return 0;
float d2 = deltaE_CIE76_sRGB(, / 100;
d2 = smoothstep(_Threshold, (_Threshold + _Tolerance), d2); // blend in min/max range
d2 = pow(d2, 1/1.5f); // gives a bit more leeway on the unity sliders
return col.a * d2;
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