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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save DarkSeraphim/418cb8669172bd0b5b7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DarkSeraphim/418cb8669172bd0b5b7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Algorithm for getting all indices of a square, working its way out.
* @author DarkSeraphim
public class IslandIndicesUtil
// Just a tad more OO and less breakable
public static class Indices
private final int x, z;
private Indices(int x, int z)
this.x = x;
this.z = z;
public int getX()
return this.x;
public int getZ()
return this.z;
// These variables keep track of the island indices generation
private int r = 0;
private int x;
private int z;
// This queue will store freed (x,z) index tuples
private LinkedList<Indices> queue = new LinkedList<Indices>();
// To prevent errors, I use regex to check whether a queue entry
// in the config is an actual legitimate entry
private static final Pattern isInt = Pattern.compile("-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+");
* @param data The place where it will load generator data from.
* Generator data is the data that it will base the next free island coords on
* <p>
* <i>Make sure the data param uses the same path as
* {@link IslandIndicesUtil#save(ConfigurationSection)}</i>
public IslandIndicesUtil(ConfigurationSection data)
r = data.getInt("r");
x = data.getInt("x");
z = data.getInt("z");
String[] coords;
for(String entry : data.getStringList("queue"))
coords = entry.split(",");
if(coords.length != 2)
queue.add(new Indices(Integer.parseInt(coords[0]), Integer.parseInt(coords[1])));
* In the case you want to stop (onDisble()?) invoke this
* with the same(!) ConfigurationSection as you load with
* This will maintain the generator state and ensures that
* islands won't be used twice
* @param data The ConfigurationSection to save to.
* <p>
* <i>Make sure the data param uses the same path as
* {@link IslandIndicesUtil(ConfigurationSection)}</i>
public void save(ConfigurationSection data)
data.set("r", this.r);
data.set("x", this.x);
data.set("z", this.z);
List<String> q = new ArrayList<String>();
for(Indices entry : this.queue)
// Idk, just checking
if(entry == null)
q.add(String.format("%d,%d", entry.getX(), entry.getZ()));
data.set("queue", q);
* In the case that you want to free an island
* @param x The X index of the island
* @param z The Z index of the island
public void freeIsland(int x, int z)
this.queue.add(new Indices(x, z));
* This will return a free location wrapped
* in an Indices object
public Indices getNextIslandIndices()
Indices t = this.queue.poll();
if(t != null)
return t;
if(r == 0)
return new Indices(0, 0);
t = new Indices(x, z);
if(x == z)
if(z == r)
else if(z == r)
if(x == -r)
else if(x == -r)
if(z == -r)
else //if(z == -r)
if(x == r)
if(z == 0 && x == r)
return t;
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