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Last active October 31, 2021 20:45
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TypeScript Inject Mixins from multiple classes
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */
* Applies the implementation of baseConstructors to the derived constructor - injects methods into
* the given class.
* @param {{ new (): T }} derivedConstructor Class we want to inject mixins into
* @param {{ new (): unknown }[]} baseConstructors Array of classes we want to take mixins from
export function ApplyMixins<T>(
derivedConstructor: { new (): T },
baseConstructors: { new (): unknown }[]
): void {
baseConstructors.forEach((baseConstructor): void => {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(baseConstructor.prototype).forEach((name: string): void => {
* non-null-assertion is necessary as, presumably, PropertyDescriptor should return a
* value here.
* WARNING: this depends on the implementation, so non-null-assertion may not always
* be a desirable solution for each project
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(baseConstructor.prototype, name)!
class ClassToTakeMixinsFrom1 {
public methodA(): void {
console.log("Method A");
class ClassToTakeMixinsFrom2 {
public methodB(): void {
console.log("Method B");
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Mixins Implementation
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
export interface ClassToInjectMixinsTo extends ClassToTakeMixinsFrom1, ClassToTakeMixinsFrom2 {}
export class ClassToInjectMixinsTo {}
ApplyMixins(ClassToInjectMixinsTo, [ClassToTakeMixinsFrom1, ClassToTakeMixinsFrom2]);
/* --- */
const test = new ClassToInjectMixinsTo();
//-- methodA and methodB are now available in ClassToInjectMixinsTo
//-- Outputs:
// Method A
// Method B
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