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Created December 23, 2020 20:57
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local function time(times, fn)
local before = os.clock()
for i=1,times do
local after = os.clock()
return after - before
local function bench(name, times, fn)
for i=1,times/100 do
local n = 10
local total, min, max = 0, math.huge, -math.huge
for i=1,n do
local res = time(times, fn)
total = total + res
min = math.min(min, res)
max = math.max(max, res)
print(string.format("%-20s avg: %.6f min: %.6f max: %.6f)", name..":", total/n, min, max))
local iterations = 1e4
local length = 100
bench("table.insert", iterations, function()
local tab = {}
for i=1, length do
table.insert(tab, n)
bench("# operator", iterations, function()
local tab = {}
for i=1, length do
tab[#tab+1] = i
bench("loop index", iterations, function()
local tab = {}
for i=1, length do
tab[i] = i
bench("table.insert with n", iterations, function()
local tab = { n = length }
for i=1, length do
table.insert(tab, n)
bench("# operator with n", iterations, function()
local tab = { n = length }
for i=1, length do
tab[#tab+1] = i
bench("loop index with n", iterations, function()
local tab = { n = length }
for i=1, length do
tab[i] = i

Using the current version of PUC Lua:

table.insert:        avg: 0.063740 min: 0.062325 max: 0.066512)
# operator:          avg: 0.026996 min: 0.026450 max: 0.027567)
loop index:          avg: 0.016690 min: 0.016462 max: 0.017085)
table.insert with n: avg: 0.066462 min: 0.065171 max: 0.067876)
# operator with n:   avg: 0.030463 min: 0.029716 max: 0.031586)
loop index with n:   avg: 0.019961 min: 0.019849 max: 0.020091)

As expected, using the loop index is considerably faster.

Using LuaJIT 2.1:

table.insert:        avg: 0.004689 min: 0.004570 max: 0.004863)
# operator:          avg: 0.021941 min: 0.021793 max: 0.022196)
loop index:          avg: 0.009231 min: 0.008349 max: 0.012566)
table.insert with n: avg: 0.008029 min: 0.007963 max: 0.008175)
# operator with n:   avg: 0.028864 min: 0.028739 max: 0.029108)
loop index with n:   avg: 0.010937 min: 0.010106 max: 0.011259)

With -joff (JIT compiler disabled)

table.insert:        avg: 0.027672 min: 0.027415 max: 0.029117)
# operator:          avg: 0.030651 min: 0.030455 max: 0.031265)
loop index:          avg: 0.012623 min: 0.012569 max: 0.012662)
table.insert with n: avg: 0.030695 min: 0.030344 max: 0.032600)
# operator with n:   avg: 0.035854 min: 0.035749 max: 0.036166)
loop index with n:   avg: 0.017069 min: 0.016996 max: 0.017261)

Here we can see that the JIT compiler seems to have a much easier time optimizing the table.insert call, regardless of whether there are non-array indices in the table. The length operator is by far the slowest, unlike in the PUC Lua benchmark.

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