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Created October 7, 2016 08:09
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Python script to test C file against required input and output
# Homework tester script
# ----------------------
# This script will automatically (try to) test
# IO of your homework.
# Requirements:
# Python 2.7 In order to use Python 3, change `raw_input` to `input`
# gcc compiler
# Parameters:
# Drag'n'Drop: Drag your homework C file on this script. The file MUST have .c extension
# Command line argument: pass path to your file as first argument. Eg. `python "PRP/HW02/main.c"
# Manual input: This only works of homework is in current working directory
# Tests:
# Tests must follow this rules:
# - Every test input must have ".in" extension
# - Every test output must have ".out" extension
# - Every test standard error output must have ".err" extension
# - Every required error code must be in ".code" file
# All aforementioned files must shar the same name. Eg "", "test.out", "test.err" and "test.code".
# Test input files are required to exist in order to start the test.
# All other files are optional, if missing, output will not be checked.
# Error code is always checked and must be 0 unless specified otherwise in .code file.
# Test directory structure
# Test directory must be in same folder as your `.c` file. The directory name
# should be "TEST-[Name of the C file]".
# That is, the structure should look like this:
# - TEST-main
# -
# - pub1.out
# -
# - error-test.out
# - error-test.code
# - main.c
# Results
# The script will only output test names unless something goes wrong.
# If there is something different in the output, python standard diff from difflib will be printed.
import glob
import re
import os.path
import sys
def file_or_none(filename, dir):
if os.path.isfile(dir+filename):
return filename
return None
def clear_carriage_returns(text):
return text.replace("\r", "")
# This handles top level exceptions so that the window doesn't close
def show_exception_and_exit(exc_type, exc_value, tb):
import traceback
traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
raw_input("Press key to exit.")
sys.excepthook = show_exception_and_exit
name = "";
du_dir = "./"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
c_regex = re.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\./\\\\: ]+[\\\\/])?([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.c$")
matches = c_regex.match(sys.argv[1])
dirname =
hwname =
if len(dirname) > 0:
du_dir = dirname
name = hwname
# Get name of the HW and list of innuts
if len(name) == 0:
name = raw_input("Enter HW name (without file extension):")
testdir = du_dir+"./TEST-"+name+"/"
inputs = glob.glob(testdir+"*.in")
c_file_path = du_dir + name + ".c"
stdout = []
stderr = []
return_codes = []
# Helper array to remember names of individual inputs
names = []
filename_regex = re.compile("[/\\\\](([^\\\\/]+)\.in)$")
# Find outputs for inputs
for index in range(len(inputs)):
matches =[index])
inputs[index] =
case_name =;
out = case_name+".out"
stdout.append(file_or_none(out, testdir))
err = case_name+".err"
stderr.append(file_or_none(err, testdir))
retcode = file_or_none(case_name+".code", testdir)
if retcode is None:
return_codes.append(int(open(testdir+retcode, 'r').read()))
# Compile the homework assignment using GCC
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
compile_args = ["gcc", "-Wall","-pedantic", "-std=c99", c_file_path, "-o"+name]
process = Popen(compile_args)
return_code = process.wait()
if return_code != 0:
raise Exception("Error during compilation... sorry.")
# The actual testing here
# we start a process for every file, capture output and save it in output file
# if possible, we compare the output with required output
from difflib import Differ
from pprint import pprint
def print_diff(text1, text2):
d = Differ()
text1 = text1.splitlines(True)
text2 = text2.splitlines(True)
result = list(, text2))
execname = "./"+name
import platform
if platform.system() == "Windows":
name = name + ".exe"
print("Running tests on "+execname + "")
for index in range(len(inputs)):
casename = names[index]
print("Test case: "+ casename)
# Load test input from file
myinput = open(testdir + inputs[index])
process = Popen([execname], stdin=myinput, stdout=PIPE)
(out, err) = process.communicate()
exit_code = process.wait()
out = clear_carriage_returns(out)
rq_code = return_codes[index]
rq_out = None
if stdout[index] is not None:
rq_out = clear_carriage_returns(open(testdir+stdout[index], 'r').read())
rq_err = None
if stderr[index] is not None:
rq_err = clear_carriage_returns(open(testdir+stderr[index], 'r').read())
# print("Required output: "+rq_out)
problem = False
if exit_code!=rq_code:
print("ERROR: Return code: "+str(exit_code)+" does not match required code "+str(rq_code))
problem = True
if (rq_out is not None) and rq_out!=out:
print("ERROR: Output does not match required output. (note that empty file is also kind of required output).")
print_diff(out, rq_out)
problem = True
if (rq_err is not None) and rq_err!=err:
print("ERROR: Error output does not match required output.")
print_diff(err, rq_err)
problem = True
if problem:
print(" ...OK\n")
raw_input("Press enter to quit");
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