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Created September 5, 2016 11:02
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//the core of the application
//notice every func in this class is private except for the initialiser
import Foundation
class SpaceAdventureModified {
let planetarySystem:PlanetarySystem
init (planetarySystem:PlanetarySystem){
self.planetarySystem = planetarySystem
//doesnt reutrn anything
private func displayIntroduction() {
print("Welcome to the \(!")
print("There are \(planetarySystem.planets.count) planets to explore. ")
//func which awaits the user input
private func responseToPrompt (prompt:String) -> String {
return getUserInput()
private func greetAdventurer(){
let name = responseToPrompt("What's is your name?")
print("Nice to meet you, \(name). My name is Eirene. I am an old friend of Zuldaf. ")
private func visit(planetName:String){
print("Traveling to \(planetName) ...")
for planet in planetarySystem.planets {
if planetName == {
//accessing the following variables from our main class
print("Arrived at \(\(planet.description)")
//most complex func
private func determineDestination(){
var decision = ""
//creating a special loop, using an Exclimation mark before the loop -> inverting it.
while !( decision == "Yes" || decision == "No"){
decision = responseToPrompt("Shall I randomly choose a planet to visit? (Yes or No)")
if decision == "Yes" {
//the following code will access our planetarySystem class and activate the random method.
if let planet = planetarySystem.randomPlanet {
} else {
print("Sorry, but there are no planets in this system.")
}else if decision == "No" {
var planetName = responseToPrompt("Ok, name the planet you would like to visit")
//check if the planet exists in our solarsystem
if OurPlanetsNames.contains(planetName){
//print("makes no sense to me, again")
//the following random func will generate one random number each time it's been called, numbers are
// 0,1,2,3,4 and not 5!
let MyRandomInt = Int(arc4random_uniform(5))
//personal line of code
if MyRandomInt == 0{print("No planet named \(planetName)")}
if MyRandomInt == 1{print("Again")}
if MyRandomInt == 2{print("Try again")}
if MyRandomInt == 3{print("Hmm, is that a Planet? I wonder. I wonder a lot...;( ")}
if MyRandomInt == 4{print("The one who developed me is so inrobotic, he stressed that I be \"case sesnitive\"")}
//print("makes no sense to me, again")
//the following random func will generate one random number each time it's been called, numbers are
// 0,1,2,3,4 and not 5!
let MyRandomInt = Int(arc4random_uniform(5))
//personal line of code
if MyRandomInt == 0{print("Sorry, I didn't get that. Was it Yes?")}
if MyRandomInt == 1{print("Gibberish to me!, you can just type in Yes for a random selection!")}
if MyRandomInt == 2{print("Nope, doesn't ring a bell sweetie. It's a Yes or No answer")}
if MyRandomInt == 3{print("I really should see it to update my database ;( ")}
if MyRandomInt == 4{print("The one who developed me is so inrobotic, he stressed that I be \"case sesnitive\"")}
//this func will start our game -> here calling all of our three functions
func start(){
if !planetarySystem.planets.isEmpty {
print("Let's go on an Adventure!")
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