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Created March 9, 2014 16:14
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package sid.types.obs
/** Defines a trait that marks a class as allowing external
* viewers to be notified of changes.
trait Observable {
// Defines a type returned when registering a callback.
type Handle <: {
def remove() : Unit
/** registered callbacks for this observable */
protected var callbacks = Map[Handle, this.type => Unit]()
/** Registers a new observer on this class.
* Observers are simple functions that take the class and
* return nothing. A handle is returned that allows
* the observer to deregister from this observable.
def observe(callback : this.type => Unit) : Handle = {
val handle = createHandle(callback)
callbacks += (handle -> callback)
/** Removes an observer from this class. */
def unobserve(handle : Handle) : Unit = {
callbacks -= handle
/** This method is called by subclasses upon state change to
* notify listeners of the change.
protected def notifyListeners() : Unit =
for(callback <- callbacks.values) callback(this)
* Subclasses override this to provide their own callback disambiguation scheme.
protected def createHandle(callback : this.type => Unit) : Handle
/** This trait provides a default implementation
* for the handlers type. */
trait DefaultHandles extends Observable {
/** A simple handle implementation */
class HandleClass {
def remove() {
type Handle = HandleClass
/** Every callback is assigned a new handle. */
protected def createHandle(callback : this.type => Unit) : Handle = new HandleClass
/** This defines a basic store or cache of a single value type.
* This store is observable and will notify listeners when the stored
* value is changed.
class VariableStore[X](private var value : X) extends Observable with DefaultHandles {
/** Retreive the stored value */
def get : X = value
/** Sets the stored value. Will notify observers */
def set(newValue : X) : Unit = {
value = newValue
// Overridden for pretty REPL usage.
override def toString : String = "VariableStore(" + value + ")"
/** This trait defines a mechanism for managing handles from
* observerables such that they can all be unregistered when
* the current class is 'finished'
trait Dependencies {
// This type allows us to refer to any handle from any
// observable. Because handle is defined inside the Observable
// we use an existential for the actual Observable.
type Ref = x.Handle forSome { val x: Observable }
/** The current registered observers. */
private var handles = List[Ref]()
/** Adds a new handle to manage */
protected def addHandle(handle : Ref) : Unit = {
handles :+= handle
/** Removes all observers using the registrered handles */
protected def removeDependencies() {
for(h <- handles) h.remove()
handles = List()
/** This method mimics Observable.observe except that it registers
* an observer *and* adds it to the dependency list.
protected def observe[T <: Observable](obj : T)(handler : T => Unit) : Ref = {
val ref = obj.observe(handler)
class MyDependencies extends Dependencies {
override def addHandle(handle: Ref) = super.addHandle(handle)
object TestObs {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val x = new VariableStore[Int](12)
val d = new MyDependencies
val t = x.observe(println)
scala> val x = new VariableStore(12)
x: VariableStore[Int] = VariableStore(12)
scala> val d = new Dependencies {}
d: java.lang.Object with Dependencies = $anon$1@153e6f83
Note: Scala 2.8.x has a bug that causes the below to fail.
scala> d.addHandle(x.observe(println))
<console>:8: error: type mismatch;
found : x.Handle
required: d.Ref
// The following does work.
scala> val t = x.observe(println)
t: x.Handle = DefaultHandles$HandleClass@662fe032
scala> d.addHandle(t)
scala> val t2 = x.observe(println)
t2: x.Handle = DefaultHandles$HandleClass@57530551
scala> d.addHandle(t2)
scala> x.set(1)
scala> d.removeDependencies()
scala> x.set(2)
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