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Created February 3, 2021 11:30
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Update Yajl Formulae to enable Kafkacat's JSON Output Envelope
class Yajl < Formula
desc "Yet Another JSON Library"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "3fb73364a5a30efe615046d07e6db9d09fd2b41c763c5f7d3bfb121cd5c5ac5a"
license "ISC"
head "",
branch: "edenhill"
bottle do
cellar :any
rebuild 4
sha256 "18bd8c54e847441959876cc9580db5ddcb7e3b92f2fc37ca49ce27d17c050df3" => :big_sur
sha256 "baefc7dc955217c4bdefd8dc798a6ad432131f449370a6249e31be6604842942" => :arm64_big_sur
sha256 "65975afbeddbbd919282c04e53fccda191501eb4fa8992a2b4ab1b2be2e10151" => :catalina
sha256 "ab562be70a8ff64861d52b170585f52af91a275e6b5974241eaabd0997b990f2" => :mojave
sha256 "3213f11462b3c60a33209c4f5d36c96caf1a9409103012ffb427dd51770ac120" => :high_sierra
sha256 "1f97e0bbc6680ad4735f0c7ecac20ec87531456c3ab1c93c480c5c5a93a33e1c" => :sierra
sha256 "5cfd83bfdbd7c92402f1cecc6b66788e6db0c195880a40263365d8130e47db2f" => :el_capitan
sha256 "600fec6352ac23a66795cce22cb0a555df43eb464c87693299cb4fc2a1307833" => :yosemite
sha256 "d44363e381f2f353387374167520ed166f3c0c756887dab6e015961bd9ba5ff3" => :mavericks
# Configure uses cmake internally
depends_on "cmake" => :build
def install
system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args
system "make", "install"
(include/"yajl").install Dir["src/api/*.h"]
test do
output = pipe_output("#{bin}/json_verify", "[0,1,2,3]").strip
assert_equal "JSON is valid", output
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