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Last active January 7, 2016 17:37
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  • Save DarrenBishop/f8a843ebb2517944682f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DarrenBishop/f8a843ebb2517944682f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
BlogPaginator 1.1
// <![CDATA[
jQuery(function ($) {
const UUID_RE = /^.*(uuid\:([\w-]+)).*$/i;
const PAGE_RE = /^.*(page(\d+|All)).*$/i;
const SECTION_RE = /^.*(section-(\d+(:?_\d+)+)).*$/i;
$body = $("body");
var $posts = $(""); // ...this is the element to target on Google Blogger!
if (!$posts.length) {
$posts = $("body");
function createPageLinkList($post, id) {
var uuid = $"uuid");
var $pageLinkList = $('<p><b>Pages: <span ' + (id ? 'id='+ uuid +' ' : '') + 'class="uuid:' + uuid + ' pageLinkList" style="color: #3d85c6;"></span></b></p>');
return $pageLinkList;
function createPage($post, pageId) {
var $page = $('<div />')
.addClass("uuid:" + $"uuid"))
.addClass("page" + pageId);
return $page;
function createLink($post, pageId, text) {
var $link = $('<a href="#" />')
.addClass("uuid:" + $"uuid"))
.addClass("page" + pageId)
.text(pageId === "All" ? "Show All" : text ? text : pageId);
return $link;
function createMarker($post, pageId, text) {
var $marker = $("<span />")
.addClass("uuid:" + $"uuid"))
.addClass("page" + pageId)
.css("color", "#3d85c6")
.text(pageId === 'All' ? 'Show All' : text ? text : pageId);
return $marker;
function createSectionId(pageCount, sectionCount) {
return pageCount + "_" + sectionCount;
function createSectionLabel($t, pageCount) {
return $.trim($t.text()) + " - p." + pageCount;
function restorePageLinks($post) {
var $selectedPageLink = $"selectedPageLink");
if ($selectedPageLink) {
var uuid = $"uuid");
var page = $"selectedPage");
var pageId = $"selectedPageId");
var $selectedPageMarkers = $("span[class*='uuid:"+ uuid+"'][class*='"+ page +"']").not(".pending");
$selectedPageMarkers.each(function() {
var $marker = $(this);
var classes = $marker.attr("class");
var sectionMatch = SECTION_RE.exec(classes);
var section = sectionMatch && sectionMatch[1];
var $pageLink = createLink($post, pageId, $marker.text());
if (section) {
function selectPageLink($post, page, $t, pageId) {
$"selectedPage", page);
$"selectedPageId", pageId);
$"selectedPageLink", $t.first());
var $selectedPageLinks = $("a[class*='uuid:"+$"uuid")+"'][class*='"+page+"']");
$selectedPageLinks.each(function() {
var $pageLink = $(this);
var classes = $pageLink.attr("class");
var sectionMatch = SECTION_RE.exec(classes);
var section = sectionMatch && sectionMatch[1];
var $marker = createMarker($post, pageId, $pageLink.text());
if (section) {
function showPage($post, $section) {
var uuid = $"uuid");
var $pageHeader = $("#"+ uuid);
if ($pageHeader.offset()) {
var properties = {};
if ($pageHeader.offset().top < $(window).scrollTop()) {
properties.scrollTop = $pageHeader.offset().top + 20;
var sectionProperties = {};
$post.animate(properties, 500, function() {
var page = $"selectedPage");
var $pages = $("div[class*='uuid:"+uuid+"'][class*='page']");
if ("pageAll" === page) {
else {
var $page = $("div[class^='uuid:"+$"uuid")+" "+page+"']");
$page.fadeIn("fast", function() {
if ($section && $section.offset().top > $(window).scrollTop()) {
sectionProperties.scrollTop = $section.offset().top + 20;
$("html, body").animate(sectionProperties, 500);
function linkClicked(e) {
var $t = $(this);
var classes = $t.attr("class");
var uuidMatch = UUID_RE.exec(classes);
var uuid = uuidMatch[2];
var $post = $;
if ($post) {
var pageMatch = PAGE_RE.exec(classes);
var page = pageMatch[1];
var pageId = pageMatch[2];
if ($"selectedPage") !== page) {
selectPageLink($post, page, $t, pageId);
var $pages = $("div[class*='uuid:" + uuid + "'][class*='page']");
var sectionMatch = SECTION_RE.exec(classes);
var section = sectionMatch && sectionMatch[1];
showPage($post, section && $("h2."+section));
return false;
function selectPage($post, pageId) {
$("a[class^='page"+pageId+" uuid:"+$"uuid")+"']").first().click();
var $pageLinks = $();
var $page;
var pageCount = 0;
var sectionCount = 0;
var $toc;
var $item;
var $header;
.each(function() {
var $post = $(this);
var uuid = $.uuid();
$"uuid", uuid);
$, $post);
$pageLinks = $();
$page = null;
pageCount = 0;
$toc = $('<ul class=" uuid:' + uuid + ' toc" />');
$header = createPageLinkList($post, uuid);
.each(function() {
var $t = $(this);
if ($".pagebreak")) {
$page = createPage($post, pageCount);
var $pageLink = createLink($post, pageCount);
if (1 === pageCount) {
$item = $("<li>").appendTo($toc);
$item.append(createLink($post, pageCount, createSectionLabel($t, pageCount)));
else if ($".sectionbreak")) {
var sectionId = createSectionId(pageCount, sectionCount);
$item = $("<li>").appendTo($toc);
var sectionLabel = createSectionLabel($t, pageCount);
if ($".pending")) {
var $pendingMarker = createMarker($post, pageCount, sectionLabel + " [Coming Soon]");
.css("color", "grey");
else {
var $sectionLink = createLink($post, pageCount, sectionLabel);
else if ($".pagelinks")) {
var $showAllLink = createLink($post, "All");
var $pageLinkLists = $("span[class^='uuid:" + uuid + " pageLinkList']");
$pageLinkLists.each(function() {
var $pageLinkList = $(this);
$pageLinks.each(function() {
$pageLink = $(this).clone(true);
$page = null;
else if ($page) {
selectPage($post, 1);
// ]]>
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