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Created March 10, 2024 19:54
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// SwiftUIView.swift
// Designer
// Created by Darren Hurst on 2024-03-06.
import SwiftUI
import OFCore
struct BasketCount: View {
@StateObject var eggs: Eggs
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
.padding(.bottom, 5)
Text("Basket Count").foregroundColor(.mint).shadow(radius: 5.0)
}.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
struct BasketCount_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
BasketCount(eggs: Eggs())
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
// MARK: Reference Type Eggs
final class Eggs: ObservableObject {
@Published var egg1 = false
@Published var egg2 = false
@Published var egg3 = false
@Published var egg4 = false
@Published var egg5 = false
@Published var egg6 = false
@Published var egg7 = false
@Published var eggCount = 0
// MARK: Egg Hunt Main View
struct EggHunt: View {
@StateObject var eggs: Eggs = Eggs()
var body: some View {
VStack {
ZStack {
ZStack {
Image("youwin").scaleEffect(eggs.eggCount == 7 ? 0.8 : 0.0)
}.zIndex(eggs.eggCount == 7 ? 3 : 0).opacity(0.8)
.animation(.interactiveSpring(), value: eggs.eggCount == 7)
// MARK: Platic Egg
PlasticEgg(eggs: eggs, eggID: 1, eggColor: .pink.opacity(eggs.egg1 ? 1.0 : 0.7))
.scaleEffect(eggs.egg1 ? 0.30 : 0.25)
.opacity(eggs.egg1 ? 1.0 : 0.3)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 45.0))
PlasticEgg(eggs: eggs, eggID: 2, eggColor: .white.opacity(eggs.egg2 ? 1.0 : 0.7))
.scaleEffect(eggs.egg2 ? 0.30 : 0.25)
.opacity(eggs.egg2 ? 1.0 :0.3)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: -45.0))
PlasticEgg(eggs: eggs, eggID: 3, eggColor: .green.opacity(eggs.egg3 ? 1.0 : 0.7))
.scaleEffect(eggs.egg3 ? 0.30 : 0.25)
.opacity(eggs.egg3 ? 1.0 : 0.3)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: -45.0))
PlasticEgg(eggs: eggs, eggID: 4, eggColor: .brown.opacity(eggs.egg4 ? 1.0 : 0.7))
.scaleEffect(eggs.egg4 ? 0.30 : 0.25)
.opacity(eggs.egg4 ? 1.0 : 0.3)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 45.0))
PlasticEgg(eggs: eggs, eggID: 5, eggColor: .cyan.opacity(eggs.egg5 ? 1.0 : 0.7))
.scaleEffect(eggs.egg5 ? 0.30 : 0.25)
.opacity(eggs.egg5 ? 1.0 : 0.3)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: -45.0))
PlasticEgg(eggs: eggs, eggID: 6, eggColor: .yellow.opacity(eggs.egg6 ? 1.0 : 0.7))
.scaleEffect(eggs.egg6 ? 0.30 : 0.25)
.opacity(eggs.egg6 ? 1.0 : 0.3)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 45.0))
PlasticEgg(eggs: eggs, eggID: 7, eggColor: .red.opacity(eggs.egg7 ? 1.0 : 0.7))
.scaleEffect(eggs.egg7 ? 0.30 : 0.25)
.opacity(eggs.egg7 ? 1.0 : 0.3)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: -45.0))
ZStack(alignment: .leading){
.shadow(radius: 5.0)
.frame(width:100, height: 100)
BasketCount(eggs: eggs)
}.offset(x:-200, y:-180)
struct Content2View_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
// Bunny.swift
// Designer
// Created by Darren Hurst on 2024-03-02.
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import OFCore
struct PlasticEgg: View {
@State var animate: Bool = false
@StateObject var eggs: Eggs
var eggID: Int
var eggColor: Color = .cyan
// MARK: Pickup Egg
fileprivate func setEgg(egg: Binding<Bool>) {
if egg.wrappedValue == false {
egg.wrappedValue = true
eggs.eggCount += 1
// MARK: Body
var body: some View {
ZStack {
EggShape().fill(eggColor).frame(width: 100, height: 150)
.onTapGesture(perform: {
if eggID == 1 {
setEgg(egg: $eggs.egg1)
if eggID == 2 {
setEgg(egg: $eggs.egg2)
if eggID == 3 {
setEgg(egg: $eggs.egg3)
if eggID == 4 {
setEgg(egg: $eggs.egg4)
if eggID == 5 {
setEgg(egg: $eggs.egg5)
if eggID == 6 {
setEgg(egg: $eggs.egg6)
if eggID == 7 {
setEgg(egg: $eggs.egg7)
EggShape().stroke(.black).frame(width: 100, height: 150)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 115.0))
.transformEffect(CGAffineTransform(translationX: 1.0, y: 0.3))
Image(systemName: "star.fill")
.transformEffect(CGAffineTransform(a: 0.0, b: 1.0, c: 1.0, d: 1.0, tx: 1.0, ty: 1.0))
.offset(x:-15, y:10).opacity(0.3)
Image(systemName: "star.fill")
.transformEffect(CGAffineTransform(a: 1.0, b: 0, c: 1.0, d: 1.0, tx: 1.0, ty: 1.0))
.offset(x:0, y:-35).opacity(0.3)
// MARK: Egg Shape
struct EggShape: Shape {
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
let width = 100.0
let height = 150.0
var path = Path()
path.addEllipse(in: CGRect(x: width * 0.2, y: height * 0.2, width: width * 0.6, height: height * 0.6))
return path
// MARK: Line Shape
struct LineShape: Shape {
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
var path = Path()
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: rect.minX, y: rect.minY))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: rect.maxX, y: rect.maxY))
return path
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