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Created December 28, 2022 21:14
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  • Save DarrenSem/f950b4104f444823e640a3385bc5a22b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DarrenSem/f950b4104f444823e640a3385bc5a22b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require.js in just 793 chars -- even works from local CSCRIPT.EXE JScript.js (because not everybody runs Node) -- var exports = require('moduleName')
// require.js in just 793 chars -- even works from local CSCRIPT.EXE JScript.js (because not everybody runs Node) -- var exports = require('moduleName')
(function(a){var b={},c=[],d=function(a,d){var f={exports:{}},g=a.length?e.resolve(a,c[0]):"",h=e.fetch(g),i=null!=h&&eval("[(function(exports,require,module,__filename,__dirname){"+(h+"})][0]"));if(i){b[d]=f.exports,c.unshift(g);try{i(b[d],e,f,g,e.dir(g))}catch(a){}return c.shift(),f.exports}},e=function(a){var c=(a+"").replace(/\\/g,"/").replace(/\.js$/i,""),e=c.toLowerCase();if(a)return e in b?b[e]:d(c,e)};e.resolve=function(a,b){return(/^\.{1,2}/.test(a)?e.dir(b||location.href.replace(/\\/g,"/"))+"/":"")+a+".js"},e.fetch=function(a){try{var b=a.length&&new XMLHttpRequest,c=b&&(b.send("GET",a,!1)),b.status),d=b&&b.responseText;if(200===c||d.length&&!c)return d}catch(a){}},e.dir=function(a){var b=a.lastIndexOf("/");return 0>b?"":a.slice(0,b)},a.require=a.require||e})(this);
var moduleName = "require";
var cache = {};
var loading = [];
var fetchModule = function(identifier, key) {
var mod = { exports: {} };
var filename = !identifier.length ? ""
: out.resolve( identifier, loading[0] );
var text = out.fetch(filename);
var func = text != null && (0, eval)(
+ String(text) + "})][0]"
cache[key] = mod.exports;
try {
func( cache[key], out, mod, filename, out.dir(filename) );
} catch(e) {};
return mod.exports;
var out = function(moduleId) {
var identifier = String(moduleId)
.replace(/\\/g, "/")
.replace(/\.js$/i, "");
var cacheKey = identifier.toLowerCase();
if(moduleId)return cacheKey in cache ? cache[cacheKey]
: fetchModule(identifier, cacheKey);
out.resolve = function(identifier, root) {
return (
/^\.{1,2}/.test(identifier) ? out.dir(
root || location.href.replace(/\\/g, "/")
) + "/" : ""
) + identifier + ".js";
out.fetch = function(url) {
try {
var xhr = url.length && new XMLHttpRequest;
var code = xhr && (
xhr.send("GET", url, false) ),
var text = xhr && xhr.responseText;
if( code === 200 || ( text.length && !code ) )return text;
} catch(e) {};
out.dir = function(filename) {
var finalSlash = filename.lastIndexOf("/");
return finalSlash < 0 ? "" : filename.slice(0, finalSlash);
globalContext[moduleName] = globalContext[moduleName] || out;
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