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Created October 30, 2022 23:14
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globalThis-tests.js -- everything you ever wondered about globalThis (and possible polyfills) but never thought to ask
// globalThis-tests.js -- everything you ever wondered about globalThis (and possible polyfills) but never thought to ask
// console.clear();
console.log("\nglobalThis-tests.JS\t", new Date());
/////// no pre-setup (typical one-time kind of usage)
// (function (glo) { glo._var_$ = 7; })(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : this || {}); // .mjs needed additional || {} ... otherwise imo this is a #GoodEnough compromise (and much more clear!) compared to O_O
// console.log("\n? (preferred way) globalThis._var_$ set by calling IIFE, confirm it was set to 7:\t", globalThis._var_$, "\n");
/////// uncomment one pair of lines below to test availability of that specific "candidate"
/////// 'FINAL fails' result will vary depending on environment (web, Node, module, worker)
// if (typeof XYZglobalThis === "undefined") globalThis = typeof XYZglobal !== "undefined" ? global : +this || {};
// console.log("\n>>> disabled 3 candidates, will use {}:\t", globalThis); // FINAL fails in import() module (as .js or .mjs), AND FAILS in <script type="module" src="X.js or X.mjs">, AND fails in Node (as .js or .mjs), AND fails in web
// if (typeof XYZglobalThis === "undefined") globalThis = typeof XYZglobal !== "undefined" ? global : this || {};
// console.log("\n>>> disabled 2 candidates, will use this:\t", globalThis); // FINAL fails in import() module (as .js or .mjs), AND fails in Node (as .js or .mjs), AND fails in <script type="module" src="X.js or X.mjs">, BUT WORKS in web (because "this" exists)
// if (typeof XYZglobalThis === "undefined") globalThis = typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : this || {};
// console.log("\n>>> disabled 1 candidate , will use global:\t", globalThis); // FINAL fails in import() module (as .js or .mjs), AND FAILS in <script type="module" src="X.js or X.mjs">, BUT WORKS in Node (even < v12 -- when globalThis was added)
// if (typeof globalThis === "undefined") globalThis = typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : this || {}; // .mjs needed additional || {} ... otherwise imo this is a #GoodEnough compromise (and much more clear!) compared to O_O
// console.log("\n>>> disabled 0 candidates, will use globalThis:\t", globalThis);
(function (glo) { glo._var_$ = 7; })(globalThis);
// preferred way (because it will ALWAYS work)
console.log("\n? (preferred way) globalThis._var_$ set by calling IIFE, confirm it was set to 7:\t", globalThis._var_$, "\n");
// FINAL (recommended against, because it might fail -- see '// FINAL fails' notes above)
console.log("\n? (FINAL) _var_$ set by calling IIFE, confirm it was set to 7:\t", _var_$, "\n");
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