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Darren Semotiuk DarrenSem

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DarrenSem / test.js
Last active June 27, 2022 17:54
Test Suite in less than 25 lines
"use strict"; let undef = {}.z, str = (obj, def = "") => String(obj == undef ? def : obj), stringify = value => JSON.stringify(value, null, "\t")
, assert = (condition, msgOrActualExpectedArray, msgPrefix, shouldStringify, z) => {
if(condition)return true;
const pair = Array.isArray(msgOrActualExpectedArray) ? msgOrActualExpectedArray : undef
, [actualValue, expectedValue] = pair || []
, actual = shouldStringify ? stringify(actualValue) : actualValue
, expected = shouldStringify ? stringify(expectedValue) : expectedValue;
throw { name: "Assertion" , message: message = [
, pair ? `Actual=[${actual}], Expected=[${expected}]` : str(msgOrActualExpectedArray)
DarrenSem / imageFromDataUrl.js
Created October 29, 2022 18:48
imageFromDataUrl.js (src, callback) and blobFromDataUrl.js (dataUrl)
/////// imageFromDataUrl.js (src, callback) and blobFromDataUrl.js (dataUrl)
// const imageFromDataUrl=(a,b)=>Object.assign(document.createElement("img"),{src:a,onload:b||function(a,b){console.log([`Image loaded (${(} x ${b.height})\n${new Date}`,this])}});
const imageFromDataUrl = (src, callback) => (
Object.assign(document.createElement("img"), { // or Object.assign(new Image(), ...
, onload: callback || function (event, z) {
console.log([`Image loaded (${(z =} x ${z.height})\n${new Date}`, this]);
DarrenSem / blobFromDataUrl.js
Created October 29, 2022 18:49
blobFromDataUrl.js and binaryFromDataUrl_RESEARCH (multiple ways including fetch and Uint8Array.from)
/////// binaryFromDataUrl_RESEARCH (multiple ways including fetch and Uint8Array.from).js
// const blobFromDataUrl=(d,z)=>(z=d.match(/^data:(.*?)(?:;base64)?,(.*)/),new Blob([Uint8Array.from(atob(z[2]),a=>a.charCodeAt(0))],{type:z[1]||"octet-stream"}));
// async function binaryFromDataUrl_RESEARCH(src) { // blobOrArrayBufferOrTypedArray = await binaryFromDataUrl_RESEARCH(dataUrl);
const binaryFromDataUrl_RESEARCH = async src => { // blobOrArrayBufferOrTypedArray = await binaryFromDataUrl_RESEARCH(dataUrl);
// src = "data:[<media type>][;base64],<data>" via
// const base64String = src.slice(src.indexOf(",") + 1); // const base64String = src.split(",", 2)[1]
DarrenSem / globalThis-tests.js
Created October 30, 2022 23:14
globalThis-tests.js -- everything you ever wondered about globalThis (and possible polyfills) but never thought to ask
// globalThis-tests.js -- everything you ever wondered about globalThis (and possible polyfills) but never thought to ask
// console.clear();
console.log("\nglobalThis-tests.JS\t", new Date());
/////// no pre-setup (typical one-time kind of usage)
// (function (glo) { glo._var_$ = 7; })(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : this || {}); // .mjs needed additional || {} ... otherwise imo this is a #GoodEnough compromise (and much more clear!) compared to O_O
// console.log("\n? (preferred way) globalThis._var_$ set by calling IIFE, confirm it was set to 7:\t", globalThis._var_$, "\n");
DarrenSem / bufferToHexString.js
Last active October 31, 2022 13:52
bufferToHexString.js (and stringsToBuffer and stringFromCharCodeArray)
// bufferToHexString and stringsToBuffer and stringFromCharCodeArray.js
const bufferToHexString = (arraybuffer, delim = "\t", z = "0123456789abcdef") => [ Uint8Array(arraybuffer)].map(v => z[v >> 4] + z[v & 15]).join(delim);
const bufferToHex_clearest = (arraybuffer, delim = "\t") => [ Uint8Array(arraybuffer)].map(v => v.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join(delim); // .toString(16).padStart = more clear even if slower than using pre-computed HEX[0..255]
const bufferToHex_reduce_instead_of_map = arraybuffer => [ Uint8Array(arraybuffer)].reduce((acc, v) => acc + v.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"), ""); // reduce instead of map because "map is reimplemented for typed arrays to return a typed array for each element, instead of a Uint8" //
const HEX = new Array(0xff); for (let i = 0; i <= 0xff; i++)HEX[i] = i.toSt
DarrenSem / upload.js
Created October 31, 2022 18:01
upload.js: LOAD data FROM files (aka 'import/upload') including handling drag-and-drop
/////// upload.js: LOAD data FROM files (aka 'import/upload')...
// const buildFileSelector=(a,m)=>{const c=null==a?"":a+"";return Object.assign(document.createElement("input"),{type:"file"},m&&{multiple:m},c.trim().length&&{accept:c})};
// const resetFileSelector=e=>e&&(e.value=null,e);
// const getFileSelector=(e,c,a,m,r)=>resetFileSelector(e)&&e.readAs===r?e:Object.assign(e||buildFileSelector(a,m),{onchange:c,readAs:r});
// SEE BELOW: handleUploadOrDropExample = event => {
// Warning: "File chooser dialog can only be shown with a user activation." (just like clipboard functionality)
// const buildFileSelector=(a,m)=>{const c=null==a?"":a+"";return Object.assign(document.createElement("input"),{type:"file"},m&&{multiple:m},c.trim().length&&{accept:c})};
DarrenSem / assert.js
Last active November 13, 2022 16:34
assert.js - truthy test function in less than 240 characters: assert(testVal1, testVal2, () => "testFunction3", ...argN) plus improvement on normal console.assert: assertMessage(test, ...messageAndSubstitutions)
// assert.js - truthy test function in less than 240 characters: assert(testVal1, testVal2, () => "testFunction3", ...argN)
// plus improvement on normal console.assert: assertMessage(test, ...messageAndSubstitutions)
// (02Nov2022 141pm)
// plus (94 characters) assert_SIMPLEST_no_messages(testVal1, testVal2, () => "testFunction3")
// OR (138 characters) assert_SIMPLEST_with_messages_via_optional_array(testVal1, [testVal2, "msg2a", "msg2b"], [() => "testFunction3", "msg3"])
// 138 char let assert=(...t)=>!!t.reduce((p,f,i,a,m=Array.isArray(f)?f:[f])=>("function"==typeof m[0]?m[0]():m[0])?p:console.assert(0,...m),t.length)
let assert_SIMPLEST_with_messages_via_optional_array = (...tests) => !!tests.reduce(
DarrenSem / sorted.js
Created November 16, 2022 00:52
sorted.js (array, strFlags) returns CLONE (not in-place sort!) -- flags 'uid': u=Unique original values, i=case Insensitive compare function, d=Descending (reverse) order
// sorted.js (array, strFlags) returns CLONE (not in-place sort!) -- flags 'uid': u=Unique original values, i=case Insensitive compare function, d=Descending (reverse) order
// minified = 179 chars s=(a,f="",c=a=>f.includes(a),d=[...(c("u")?[ Set(a)]:a)])=>(d=c("i")?d.sort((a,b,c=(a+"").toUpperCase(),d=(b+"").toUpperCase())=>c<d?-1:c===d):d.sort(),c("d")?d.reverse():d)
let sorted = (array, strFlags = "",
// friendlier syntax like RegExp( _, strFlags ) rather than fetch( _, {options} )
_tmp_HasFlag = flag => strFlags.includes(flag),
// work with CLONE of original array (or Set made from it) -- we do NOT want to do IN-PLACE sort
DarrenSem / download.js
Last active November 18, 2022 00:09
download.js: SAVE data TO file (aka 'export/download') plus openInNewWindow(data, type = "octet-stream")
/////// download.js: SAVE data TO file (aka 'export/download')...
//// const download_MIN=(d,f=`file-${+new Date}.txt`,t="octet-stream")=>{const h=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([d].slice(void 0===d),{type:t})),s=null!==f;return Object.assign(document.createElement("a"),{href:h,[s&&"download"]:f,target:"_blank"}).click(),s&&URL.revokeObjectURL(h)};
const download = (
, filename = `file-${+new Date}.txt` // null means download: filename OMITTED = DISPLAY data in browser
, type = "octet-stream" // default is ~ "application/octet-binary"
) => {
const href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob( //
[data].slice(data === undefined)
DarrenSem /
Last active November 27, 2022 20:57
openInNewWindow.js: DISPLAY data in new (and REFRESHABLE!) tab/window -- (data, type = "octet-stream")