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Created January 13, 2013 07:29
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Save DarthFennec/4522828 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A library which can be used to define an .xmobarrc configuration as a haskell object (with all the benefits of defining things in haskell) and export it to a config file to be used by xmobar.
module XMobarHs
( Config (..)
, Position (..)
, Align (..)
, Border (..)
, Command (..)
, Run (..)
, config
, export
) where
import Data.List
data Config = Config { font :: String
, bgColor :: String
, fgColor :: String
, position :: Position
, lowerOnStart :: Bool
, hideOnStart :: Bool
, persistent :: Bool
, border :: Border
, borderColor :: String
, commands :: [Run Command]
, sepChar :: String
, alignSep :: String
, template :: String
cfgPairs :: [(String, (Config -> String))]
cfgPairs = [ ("font" , show.font )
, ("bgColor" , show.bgColor )
, ("fgColor" , show.fgColor )
, ("position" , show.position )
, ("lowerOnStart" , show.lowerOnStart)
, ("hideOnStart" , show.hideOnStart )
, ("persistent" , show.persistent )
, ("border" , show.border )
, ("borderColor" , show.borderColor )
, ("commands" , show.commands )
, ("sepChar" , show.sepChar )
, ("alignSep" , show.alignSep )
, ("template" , show.template )
config :: Config
config = Config { font = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
, bgColor = "#000000"
, fgColor = "#BFBFBF"
, position = Top
, lowerOnStart = True
, hideOnStart = False
, persistent = False
, border = NoBorder
, borderColor = "#BFBFBF"
, commands = [ Run $ Date "%a %b %_d %Y * %H:%M:%S" "theDate" 10, Run StdinReader]
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = "%StdinReader% }{ <fc=#00FF00>%uname%</fc> * <fc=#FF0000>%theDate%</fc>"
-- Must be rewritten, to remove unnecessary defaults
instance Show Config where
showsPrec _ n s = "Config {" ++ e n ++ "}" ++ s
where e x = intercalate ", " [g (fst y) | y <- f x, uncurry (/=) y]
f x = zip (h x) (h config)
g x = fst x ++ " = " ++ snd x
h x = map (\y -> (fst y, snd y x)) cfgPairs
data Position = Top | TopW Align Int | TopSize Align Int Int
| Bottom | BottomW Align Int | BottomSize Align Int Int
| Static { xpos :: Int, ypos :: Int
, width :: Int, height :: Int
} deriving Show
data Align = L | C | R deriving Show
data Border = TopB | TopBM Int
| BottomB | BottomBM Int
| FullB | FullBM Int
| NoBorder deriving Show
data Command = Uptime [String] Int
| Weather String [String] Int
| Network String [String] Int
| DynNetwork [String] Int
| Wireless String [String] Int
| Memory [String] Int
| Swap [String] Int
| Cpu [String] Int
| MultiCpu [String] Int
| Battery [String] Int
| BatteryP [String] [String] Int
| TopProc [String] Int
| TopMem [String] Int
| DiskU [(String, String)] [String] Int
| DiskIO [(String, String)] [String] Int
| ThermalZone Int [String] Int
| Thermal String [String] Int
| CpuFreq [String] Int
| CoreTemp [String] Int
| Volume String String [String] Int
| MPD [String] Int
| Mpris1 String [String] Int
| Mpris2 String [String] Int
| Mail [(String, String)] String
| Mbox [(String, String, String)] [String] String
| XPropertyLog String
| NamedXPropertyLog String String
| Brightness [String] Int
| Kbd [(String, String)]
| Locks
| Com String [String] String Int
| StdinReader
| Date String String Int
| DateZone String String String String Int
| CommandReader String String
| PipeReader String String
| BufferedPipeReader String [(Int, Bool, String)]
| XMonadLog
deriving Show
data Run a = Run a
-- Must be rewritten, as derived version inserts parens
instance Show a => Show (Run a) where
showsPrec _ (Run x) s = "Run " ++ show x ++ s
-- Example of use:
-- main = export $ config { ... }
-- remember to put a "$" after every "Run"
-- otherwise, configure it the same as you would a normal .xmobarrc
export :: Config -> IO ()
export = writeFile ".xmobarrc".show
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